Page 48 of A Mayfair Maid

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Nikolas sighed.“There is quite a bit more distance between she and I; than she and you,” he replied as he wrapped his arms about her and pulled her more firmly onto his lap. He could not rebuff the gift that had been given to them, regardless of the duplicity of the giver. He reveled in the moment. “You smell wonderful,” he said, breathing in the scent of her.

“Laundry soup,” she replied and then suppressing a giggle, she wriggled slightly on his lap, causing all manner of delightful distress to his person. She brought out the bottle of perfume from a pocket in her apron. She opened it and let him sniff.

Nikolas commented without thinking. “I know that scent,” he said. “It is mine.”

He realized instantly that he should not have spoken. He had not told her the full story of his involvement with Lady Lydia and her ilk. He was sure that when she found out his very concoction was likely the reason Marilee and so many others had been drugged and taken from their homes, she would want nothing to do with him and with good reason.

“Yours? Whatever do you mean, yours?” Her face was simply curious. There was no guile in her; unlike his duplicitous self. His heart sunk.

“I just…” He stammered a moment searching for words. “You know…I can explain.”

How on earth could he explain? There was no excuse for what he had done, and yet, if he hadn’t, he would have been transported. He never would have met this angel.

He had begun his schooling thinking he would be a solicitor, wanting to move far from his parents’ and brother’s reach, but eventually, he had fallen back on his roots and opened a small apothecary shop: a failed apothecary shop.

Lady Lydia had saved him and damned him in the same action. He should tell her, he thought. He should tell Kate the whole truth. She deserved that, but she was looking at him with such trust in her eyes. How could he destroy that trust? He could not. He would not. He bit his lip, promising in his silence that from this day forward, he would be an upright man. He would become worthy of her trust. She need never know of his true involvement with Lady Lydia. Not if Lady Lydia was in a jail cell or transported. His secret would be safe.

“I made the perfume,” he said at last. “I dabble in such things as you must know. Herbs and whatnot.” That was not admitting to any duplicity, but Marilee frowned.

“I smelled it at the brothel,” she said.

“You have a good nose,” he said touching the appendage with the tip of his finger.

“But why would you…” She looked thoughtful, trying to figure out why he would sell his perfume to such a place. He could almost see her sharp wit puzzling out the truth.

“A man has to eat,” he said dismissing the comment. “I have no control of the goods after they leave my shop,” and with a negligent shrug he changed the topic. “It worries me to no end that you must always be here, within her reach,” he said distracting her. He felt like a cad for avoiding her questions, but he could not tell her his tale of woe. She had more than enough worries on her head for one person. He would not add to that. No matter what ill deed Lady Lydia put in front of him, he would not harm Marilee.

* * *

Marilee snuggled a little closer. “Well,”she sighed, finally feeling some sense of relief knowing that he was, in fact, one step ahead of the lady, “I suppose it does bring some comfort to know that she suspects nothing from us maids.”

“Exactly,” he murmured and plucked her chin so that she might turn her face up toward him studying it most seriously. “And I cannot pretend that I am not in favor her choice of distraction,” he said with a grin.

Marilee gasped and pretended to slap at his arm for the comment, but in truth, she had to agree. Who would have thought in such a horrible place, there would be this oasis of bliss?

“I mean, it gives me just cause to check on you whenever I like, rather than waiting for my allotted time,” he grinned, softly kissing her forehead, her cheek, her lips.

Marilee hummed in thought and then there was no thought except his lips on hers; first gentle and then more insistent. The moist pressure sent a thrill of desire through her, and she opened her mouth instinctively responding with a passion of her own, and when he plunged his tongue into her mouth, she felt a stab of desire so strong it took her breath away. Wetness pooled in her nether regions and she drew back, panicked with the sudden onset of such strong feelings. Her hands were on his chest holding him at bay, but at the same time, she wanted to revel in the explosive desire.

“I just…I just…” she stumbled to explain.

“Are an innocent,” he said brushing back her hair from her face, letting the corkscrew strands curl around his fingers.

“I just feel so queer,” she muttered.

“Good queer or bad queer,” he asked.

“Oh good,” she exclaimed. “Just…untethered; like I could fly to the heavens and my feet might never touch ground.”

He smiled a very satisfied smile, and she hit him with a pillow.

His smile broadened as he touched her nose with his finger and then placed a soft kiss there. His professionalism returning, he reached for her cap and rather inexpertly pulled it over her curls, tucking the strands under the fabric and kissing her once again. The kiss was gentle, but still elicited the rampant desire of a few moments ago. She had not realized how very dangerous this assignment of Lady Lydia’s was to her virtue. She could have…continued. She looked at the chaise upon which she sat. No, she told herself, her first time would absolutely not be on this chaise, no matter how sweet his kisses.

After adjusting her clothing, Nikolas adjusted his own. “I am thinking that tomorrow I might pay a visit in the morning. Surely, if you have done your job so well, then it would be deserving of a trinket. Just to make your success clear, of course.”

Marilee giggled and pretended to be offended that the gesture would indicate she had fulfilled her instructions very, very well. But when he kissed her again, she forgot all pretense. She found that the idea of wearing his token held more appeal than she would care to admit.