Page 49 of Wager on Love

“I am glad that you enjoyed all the madness, then. I myself am exceedingly fond of my family and our gatherings, but I know they must be a bit much for someone unaccustomed to such things.”

“The only negative effect I can say I felt was a feeling of dreadful wistfulness when the evening was at its end, and we were forced to part company, but I have thought of the remedy for that particular situation.”

“Indeed?” Charlotte responded, feeling her heartbeat quicken.

“Yes,” Sir John said, also rather breathlessly. “I have asked Lord Keegain for permission to speak with you privately if you would find it agreeable? Perhaps we may have a stroll through your garden?” He grinned at her. “I assure you there is not a cloud in the sky today.”

Charlotte felt her heart leap and gather speed as it raced within her chest. What a perfect place for a proposal, she thought. “That sounds perfectly agreeable to me, if it is all right with you, Mother?” Charlotte turned towards the dowager, who had noticeably been keeping herself as unobtrusive as possible while still remaining in the parlor with the couple. Surprisingly, even Alice held her tongue in respect for the occasion.

“Yes, certainly. Your brother mentioned to me this morning that he had given his consent to such a conversation,” her mother replied, dignified despite the smile that played on her lips.

“He did?” Alice demanded finally unable to keep quiet. “Why, that is so mean of him. He would not breathe a word tomeno matter how much I begged.”

“Perhaps because the matter is none of your business?” suggested Helen mildly, earning herself a glare from her younger sister. Helen applied herself to her sewing ignoring Alice’s pique.

“No, it is mine.” Charlotte snapped at her sisters.

Sir John chuckled.

“Charlotte, do not be waspish,” her mother warned.

“Yes,” Charlotte declared, rising rather hastily. “I should be most delighted to have a chance to speak privately with you, Sir John, and a walk sounds lovely. Shall we?” She did not wait for him, but strode with purpose towards the out of doors.

“By all means,” Sir John replied agreeably.

It was perfectly obvious to everyone what the topic of conversation was to be, but Charlotte still felt her heart racing with anticipation. She was certain she was noticeably shaking when Sir John caught up with her and properly offered his arm. While walking arm-in-arm he remained quiet. It was a sunny, pleasant day, much warmer than it had been on the eventful day of their previous walk.

Stealing a glance or two at Sir John’s handsome profile, Charlotte suspected that he was also feeling nervous. Perhaps he was attempting to work up the courage to actually voice his proposal? How odd that he felt nervous as well, she thought. But then, marriage was not a matter to enter into lightly, so it was fitting that they both were a bit more restrained than their normal manner.

Sir John cleared his throat, making Charlotte feel nearly dizzy with expectation. She closed her eyes for a moment, regaining her balance and when she opened them, he was there before her. His deep blue eyes captured her and the world spun again.

He caught both of her hands in his and held them tightly. She could feel the warmth of him through her gloves. “You must know, Lady Charlotte that I adore you,” he said. “I can think of nothing but you since the day we first met. You have bewitched me, utterly and completely.”

Charlotte nodded stupidly. She felt the same and yet her tongue was tied in knots. She was never at a loss for words and yet right now, emotion seemed to strangle anything coherent that might escape. She blinked at him.

Sir John watched as her tawny eyes filled with passion, like dark stars shining within the heavens. She lowered her lashes demurely, but there was nothing demure about Lady Charlotte. She was a firebrand, and life with her would never be boring. He realized he wanted her with an unequaled passion. He wanted her beside him to run his estates, however modest they might be. He wanted her to ride and to shoot with him. He wanted her beside him always, in his house, in his future, and in his bed. He wanted to see her grow with his children, and he wanted to watch their children grow to resemble their mother. Most of all he wanted to grow old with her. He never wanted to leave her alone, as he and his mother had been.

Sweet heaven, he loved her desperately! He gripped her hands a little tighter fighting the inclination to pull her full into his embrace and bury his face in her golden locks. He had thought the realization would be repugnant—to be held in such thrall to a woman. But instead, he was exhilarated. He felt as if he could fly. Lady Charlotte had done this with her very presence. She was an angel and a vixen, and he loved her completely.

Sir John lowered his head and whispered, his lips just a breath from hers. “I want you to be mine,” he said. Charlotte closed her eyes, leaning into him, breathing in their closeness and the invitation was too much for him.

He kissed her. Her lips were warm and supple beneath his. She was so gloriously soft in his arms. She clung to him and in that moment it was as if he were filled with the vitality of life itself. He knew that Charlotte was his life. Her arms came up around his neck and his joy was complete. John kissed her with all the pent-up passion he held within him. He devoured her mouth, claiming it with his own. She tasted of heaven and sunshine. He groaned when her fingers twined within the hairs at the base of his neck, pulling him down to her. He would drown in her embrace.

He reluctantly broke the kiss to speak again, but his heart had not yet caught up with the moment. It was beating fast and the sound of it was pounding throughout his body, robbing him of all thought.

“Lady Charlotte,” he attempted.

A beatific smile spread across her flushed features. “I think, you may now call me Charlotte,” she said, somewhat coyly.

“Charlotte.” The name rolled off of his tongue. “I have never felt about anyone, the way I feel about you,” he said. “I love you, most desperately,” he blurted, and the words, once freed from his lips, freed his heart. He felt like he was floating in the spring, sun-washed sky. Nothing in his existence had prepared him for this one perfect moment and yet there was more he must say. He pulled in a breath, savoring the smell of her perfume, and the sweet garden air. “Should you permit it, I want nothing more than to spend my life with you, Charlotte. I want to make you my wife. Please, say yes?”

She was already nodding rapidly. “Yes,” she whispered and then spoke more forcefully tears forming in her eyes. “Yes! Yes, I will be your wife. John.” With the smile still shining on her face, she switched to French. “Oui Jean.Je t'aime aussi.I will happily be your wife.”

His hands tightened on hers as if to hold her near, lest she disappear and he lose her.

John wanted to kiss her again. Instead, he pressed his forehead lightly to hers, savoring the feel of her in his arms. “I swear, I will make you happy,” he answered in French. “I swear it.”

The wind picked up at that moment, and a shiver ran through Charlotte although John felt as if he might catch aflame any moment.