No matter what unfolded over the next few days, she had a feeling it’d be a weekend to remember. Seeing her friends again, enjoying Lucian and Olivia’s wedding, spending time in the city.
They stepped inside the breathtaking lobby, which looked like something out of a high-end hotel. Marbled walls, mosaic tiled floors, enormous vases of fresh flowers on every available surface. A woman in a smartly tailored skirt suit stood behind an elegant desk and smiled warmly at them.
“Good afternoon,” she said. “May I ask who you’re here to see?”
“Max and Willa Prescott,” answered Sebastian, pushing a hand through his hair and making a strand fall down onto his forehead. Kayla bit her lip again, this time in response to the lust surging through her. How did he manage to only get sexier with time?
Wait, wasn’t crazy horniness a pregnancy symptom? Granted, she was pretty much always horny around Sebastian.
God, she really needed to get her hands on a test so she could stop playing this game with herself.
The woman behind the desk typed something into her computer and then nodded. “You must be Sebastian and Kayla. I’ll just need you to sign in here and show some ID and then I can issue you one of the guest keys provided by Mr. and Mrs. Prescott.”
As they presented their drivers licenses and Sebastian signed them in, Kayla grinned. It was still a trip to hear Willa referred to as Mrs. Prescott.
Maybe someday I’ll know what that feels like.
They headed to the private elevator in the corner and hit the button for the penthouse. With everything swirling through her, Kayla felt a little untethered, and so she did what she always did when she felt like that.
She reached for Sebastian’s hand, weaving her fingers between his much larger ones, and something inside her settled into place at the feeling of his palm against hers.
“Are you sure you’re feeling okay?” he asked. He turned and brushed a strand of hair out of her eyes, studying her intently. “I know I keep asking you that. I just keep feeling like there’s something up with you. Did I do something? Kayla, you gotta tell me if I fucked up somehow.”
His features were tight with concern, so she reached up and stroked her fingers over his stubbled cheek. “You didn’t fuck up, baby. I promise. I guess being back here is just bringing up a lot of emotions and if I’m a little quiet, it’s because I’m processing.” Which was true. Sort of.
Relief flickered over his face and he nodded. “I get that. Being back here brings up a lot of complicated emotions for me, too.”
The elevator doors slid open onto a massive living room with a soaring ceiling and floor to ceiling windows that provided a breathtaking view of Manhattan from three sides.
“Kayla!” Willa Prescott came barreling at her, wrapping her slim arms around Kayla’s neck and pulling her in for a long, tight hug. “I’m so glad to see you! I missed you so much.” Kayla hugged her back, her heart feeling full at seeing her friend in person again. Willa pulled away and shot Sebastian a warm smile. “And of course, I’m happy to see you, too, Bastian.”
He pulled her in for a hug just as Max, Theo, and Lauren emerged from elsewhere in the sprawling penthouse.
“Holy shit, you look good,” said Theo, coming forward and pulling Sebastian into a bear hug. “Whatever you’re doing, keep doing it.”
“Sobriety, therapy, and Kayla,” said Sebastian with a grin.
Kayla hugged Theo, Lauren, and Max, and then Willa grabbed her hand while Max and Sebastian dealt with the luggage. “Let me give you a tour and show you your room.”
“You’re sure you don’t mind putting everyone up?” asked Kayla, leaning into Willa. God, she’d missed her sweet warmth and positive energy. There was no one like her, as far as Kayla was concerned. Being with Willa was like basking in gentle sunshine.
Lauren looped her arm through Kayla’s on her other side. “They’ve got five bedrooms and seven thousand square feet, so I think she can swing it.”
“There was no way I was letting you guys stay in a hotel,” said Willa, giving Kayla a squeeze. “I want you as close as possible while you’re in town. Both of you.”
They mounted a spiral staircase carpeted in a lush white rug. A walkway at the top of the stairs looked down onto the living room, making the space feel bright and airy. She led them to a bedroom just off of the stairs and pushed open the door, revealing an elegant bedroom with a king-sized bed, a plush blue chaise longue, and a flatscreen TV mounted to the wall opposite the bed. More floor-to-ceiling windows looked out over the city.
“Everything’s voice activated using this AI system Max designed. Watch.” She turned and spoke clearly. “Hey Cicero, close the curtains.”
“Closing the curtains,” came a super realistic male voice with a British accent. Immediately, the curtains started to glide smoothly closed.
“Wow, you guys really are living in the future, aren’t you?” asked Lauren. “I can’t even get Alexa to do what I want half the time.”
“This place is absolutely amazing,” said Kayla, sinking down onto the bed and running her fingers over the smooth duvet cover. “The view, the windows, the open space. It’s gorgeous. I can see why you guys fell in love with it.”
Willa beamed. “I like it better now that I have guests.”
Sebastian and Max stepped into the room, setting the luggage in the corner.