It was time to take that pregnancy test.
Sebastian layon his back in bed, naked, with Kayla sprawled on top of him. She was naked, too, save for the ring on her finger, and fuck did he like seeing his ring on her. He wanted the entire world to know she was his.
After the reception, they’d come back to Max and Willa’s where after a little celebratory toast with Max, Willa, Theo, and Lauren, they’d fallen into bed where they’d made slow, sleepy love, just needing to connect with each other. It was late, probably close to two in the morning now, but even though he was tired, Sebastian’s brain was too wired for sleep. Too buzzing with the entire future stretching out before him.
He wished he hadn’t waited so long to propose. He wished he’d done it a year ago, like he should’ve. He stroked a hand through Kayla’s hair and down her back, savoring the feel of her curves pressed against him. Savoring the knowledge that he’d get to feel this every damn day for the rest of his life.
“I…I need to tell you something,” she said, and he tensed slightly at the note of wariness in her voice. She pushed up onto her elbow, her blond hair falling in a curtain over her shoulder.
“Okay,” he said, his heart picking up speed. Fresh nerves shot through him as she nibbled her lip and looked away.
“I think…um. I’m late? And I think I might be pregnant.” She said the words all in a rush, her cheeks going pink.
Everything inside Sebastian went still as his tired brain struggled to process what she’d just said. “What?”
“My period is almost two weeks late and I think I might be pregnant. I…I bought a test earlier today, but I haven’t taken it yet.”
Sebastian sat up, emotions swirling through him. Shock, for sure, but also a surprised kind of hope. Kayla might be pregnant? He didn’t think this day could get any better.
He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “Take the test, baby. Negative or positive, we’re in this together, just like you said. Why didn’t you tell me earlier?” he asked gently, and she looked away, guilt flashing across her face.
“I was feeling unsettled because we weren’t engaged and I didn’t know if I was, and I didn’t want to pull attention from Olivia and Lucian’s wedding…” She shrugged. “To be honest, I’m a little freaked out.”
He swallowed and nodded. “I get that. Having a baby is a huge deal. But…if you are, then that’s the best news in the entire world. And if you’re not, we can talk about when you’d like to be.”
She smiled, her relief evident. “How did I get so lucky?” she asked softly.
He pressed his forehead to hers. “I wonder the same thing on a daily basis, baby. Go. Take the test. Let’s find out.”
She nodded and scurried out of bed, rustling around in her suitcase and pulling out a small box. She disappeared into the bathroom and the seconds ticked by like molasses. Sebastian sat in bed, his arms resting on his raised knees, possibilities swirling through his mind.
He hoped it was positive. Which was amazing and shocking and proof of how much things—and people—could change in just a few years. Because the Sebastian of three years ago would’ve been freaking the fuck out at the possibility of being a father. But now…he wanted it. God, a baby with Kayla. Just the thought of it had goosebumps spreading over his arms.
His heart jolted against his ribs as Kayla emerged from the bathroom, the test in her hand. She hurried back to the bed and got in beside him.
“It takes a couple of minutes,” she said, and he could hear the nerves in her voice. He looped an arm around her and kissed the top of her head.
“Either way, everything is perfect,” he whispered in her ear, and she leaned into him. For so long, she’d been his rock. His comfort and his hope, his source of everything good. If he could give just an ounce of that back to her in this moment, he would. He’d do anything for her, and she deserved it, because she’d shown him that he could do anything.
Slowly but surely, first one line appeared, followed by a second line. It was fainter than the other, but it was there all the same. The test was unmistakably positive. A wide smile stretched across Sebastian’s face and he felt as though he’d swallowed the sun. His heart raced happily and all of his thoughts scattered. He was too excited to hold on to any of them.
“I’m pregnant,” she whispered, staring down at the test. “Oh my God.”
“You’re pregnant,” he said, the word feeling lush and full of promise on his tongue. “I was hoping the test would be positive.”
She turned to him with her own smile, and let out a little laugh. “You were?”
He nodded. “Absolutely. Having a baby with you is more than I ever could’ve hoped for.”
“So was I,” she confessed, laughing again. “Hoping it was positive, I mean.”
He looked at the test and then laid his hand on her stomach. “You are going to be the most amazing mother, Kayla. This kid is already so freaking lucky.”
She laid her hand on top of his. “And you’re going to be a wonderful father, Bastian.”
An edge of fear sliced through his elation, and he swallowed, a lump forming in his throat. Raising a child would be the most amazing, incredible challenge of his life. But it was one he was ready and willing to embrace.