Haley glanced around before leaning on the bar. “You guys are friends, but then you go to Mexico together and come back and it’s all weird and awkward. You’re slamming things around behind the bar like it’s a royal rumble back there and Dean’s sitting in his office sulking.”

“You think he’s sulking?”

“He’s definitely not himself. Something’s up with him. He seems . . . I dunno,” Haley shrugged. “Sad, or something.”

Carly stared down at the bar, moving her cloth in slow circles. If Dean was sad, maybe that meant that he missed her?

Or maybe he was just sad that they’d ruined their friendship for a few days of hot sex. Since that’s all it had been to him, apparently.

“Do you want to come over tonight, after we get off?” asked Haley. “I promise I won’t pry, but maybe a movie night will help you take your mind off of whatever it is that did or didn’t happen with you and Dean in Mexico.”

Carly nodded. She could definitely use a distraction. In the short time she’d been back, all she’d done was replay their time together in Mexico, torturing herself with what she couldn’t have. “Sure. That sounds great. Thanks.”

Haley nodded and winked. “You bring the pinot and I’ll pick up some Ben and Jerry’s.” She picked up her tray again and headed toward her tables.

Carly smiled, relieved that she wouldn’t be spending another night home alone, pining after a man who didn’t want her, or who wasn’t willing to take a risk for her. Enough was enough.

Dean emerged from his office, a sheaf of papers in his hand. Carly tried not to notice the way his gray T-shirt clung to his chest as he moved, but it was too late. Memories came flooding back, one after another. Kissing Dean on the beach. Making raging salmon jokes. Skinny dipping. Dean’s fingers brushing her hair off her neck as he fastened the necklace he’d bought her. The intense, romantic sex they’d had the night of Luke and Christie’s wedding.

It was all too much, and she tried to push it aside because thinking that all of that hadn’t been real . . . holy shit, it hurt.

Dean looked up from his papers and stopped short when he saw her behind the bar. “Uh . . . hey.”


Silence hung between them. Carly turned away and began slicing up some limes, even though there were already plenty ready to go. She could feel him behind her, his eyes on her back as she worked, and she willed him to say something. As though if she wished hard enough, she could make him say the words she wanted to hear. The words Rose had said she should have faith would come.

Dean cleared his throat. “We’re going to start stocking a few things from that new brewery, Liberty Peak.”

She nodded and kept slicing. “’Kay.”

“They’ve uh . . . they’ve got a really good cream ale, and a vanilla porter that won some awards, so . . .”

“Mmmhmm. Sounds good.” She set the knife down and forced herself to turn around and face him. Giving him a chance to say something meaningful. Waiting. Hoping.

He opened and closed his mouth, and then nodded before heading back to his office. So close, yet so incredibly out of her reach.

Chapter 10

Dean sat in his office, trying to work on the schedule for the next two weeks, but his eyes kept drifting away from his computer and through his open door to the woman behind the bar. He could only see the far corner of the bar, catching glimpses of her as she moved. She laughed at something a customer said, the sound hitting him like a punch in the gut.

God, he missed her.

And, if he was honest with himself, he missed them. Together.

For probably the hundredth time, he pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the picture of the two of them together at the rehearsal dinner—the one he’d asked Mike to take. They were both smiling, eyes bright. His heart clenched, because he wanted to go back and re-live those moments with her.

There was a sharp rap on his open office door, and he looked up to find Matt in his doorway. Even though he’d seen him a week ago in Mexico, Dean was happy to see Matt again. Lord knew he could use a friendly face.

“Hey, man, come on in,” he said, waving his cousin inside. “I thought you were headed back to Seattle?”

Matt shook his head. “We flew from Mexico to Denver to visit Ellie’s parents for a few days, and then came up here. Get some clean Wyoming air, spend some more time with Ethan and Mom and Dad.”

“You want something to eat? I can get the kitchen to whip something up.”

Matt smiled. “Wouldn’t say no to a burger and a beer.”

Dean stood. “Let’s go grab a table. I need to get out from behind this desk.” He moved toward the kitchen, Matt following him. As he passed the bar, he nodded awkwardly at Carly, who glanced at him and then looked away, busying herself with something. Dean pointed Matt toward a booth in the back, and then ordered their food.