It felt like the world’s happiest little night market.

“Hey, Car, look at these,” said Dean, leading her to a booth selling traditional Mexican wrestling masks. Dean asked if he could try one on, and the vendor smiled enthusiastically at them. He tugged one on, bright blue with red around the eyes and mouth. He flexed and growled at her and she burst out laughing.

“Okay, you have to get that,” she said, unable to stop laughing at Dean in that ridiculous mask.

“You buy it, I give you another for half off,” said the vendor. “Your lady need one.”

“Yes, I agree,” said Dean, his eyes sparkling out at her from behind the mask. “She definitely does.” He picked out a green one with white wings coming out from the eyes and handed it to her. Making a face she pulled it on, but was glad she did when he cracked up.

Dean pulled out his wallet, still laughing. He paid the vendor and thanked him. Carly gently pulled her mask off, watching as Dean did the same. It left his hair standing out at funny angles, and she reached up and ran her hands through it, smoothing it back into place. Before she could take her hand back, he caught it and brought to his lips, kissing her palm. Warmth tingled up her arm. He took her mask from her and shoved them both into his pockets.

She felt something blossoming inside her, and as they browsed the market, she realized what it was. It was hope. Her friendship with Dean had always come easily, and layering this new, romantic, physical element over top of it felt good, and right, and natural. The ease of it made her hopeful that he’d see how good they were together. Made her hopeful that this wouldn’t come crashing down around them when they returned home and back to reality.

They walked past booths selling colorful woven blankets, straw sombreros, brightly painted skull figurines, and intricately painted pottery. All of it was so pretty, so cheerful, so vibrant and full of life.

“Thank you again for bringing me,” she said, bumping his arm affectionately with hers.

He smiled down at her. “Thanks for coming with me.”

They passed by a booth laden with jewelry, silver and turquoise and coral all gleaming in the light.

Carly slowed her steps, her eyes roving over all of the beautiful stones. One necklace in particular caught her eye, with flat turquoise stones linked with silver and small red coral pebbles. It was probably way out of her price range, but she couldn’t stop herself from extending a hand and tracing her fingers over the smooth, cool stones.

“You should try it on,” said Dean, his voice low in her ear.

“No, I shouldn’t, because then I’ll want it, and it’s probably too expensive.”

“Your lady want to try?” asked the young woman behind the booth, smiling at Dean. Before either of them could answer, the vendor had already scooped up the necklace and handed it to Dean. “You help her try.”

She meant to protest, to say no, thank you, but then Dean moved behind her, his warm fingers brushing against her skin as he slid the necklace around her neck, fastening it. The vendor held up a small mirror so she could see herself.

“Oh,” she breathed, tracing the tips of her fingers over it. “It’s beautiful.”

She glanced up at Dean, whose eyes were on her, not the necklace. “Definitely beautiful.” He turned to the vendor. “I’ll take it.”

“No, Dean. You don’t have to do that.” She felt the need to protest, even though she didn’t want to take the necklace off.

He turned and pulled her to him, planting a kiss on her in front of everyone. “I know. I want to. I want you to have it.”

A lump formed in her throat, and she couldn’t do anything except nod. It was the sweetest thing anyone had done for her in a long time, and he wasn’t doing it to try to impress her, or to somehow win her favor. He was doing it because he wanted to. Because he liked making her happy.

Dean paid for the necklace, and she left it on, liking the weight of it against her skin. With a tug on her hand, Dean led her away from the market, leaving the lights and music behind them. But instead of turning back toward their building like she’d expected, he instead led her toward the beach. The night was warm and calm, the sky a velvet blanket scattered with stars. The moon, almost full, hung high in the sky, casting a silvery glow on the ocean below.

“What are we doing?” she asked, kicking off her wedge sandals as they reached the sand. The beach was deserted, and although the sun had set hours ago, the sand was still warm beneath her feet. The waves lapped and crashed against the shore in a soft rush. Darkness enfolded them, wrapping them up in a sense of peace and privacy.

“Crossing another ‘never’ off our lists,” he said, his eyes shining in the dark. He glanced around before leading her farther down the beach. They came to a stop and he tugged off his shirt, letting it fall into the sand. The moonlight highlighted the rugged planes of his chest, shadowing each muscled dip and valley.

Would they keep doing this when they went home? Keep living with no regrets and no promises? Or would they go back to just being friends and co-workers?

She knew what she wanted. And she was starting to let herself hope that Dean wanted the same thing.

He undid his belt, the metal of the buckle clanging softly in the quiet night. She glanced at the gently rolling waves, and then back at Dean. He smiled at her, big and bright, and then let his pants and boxers drop around his ankles.

“I’m going in, and you’re coming with me. Up to you if you lose the dress or not,” he said, reaching out and toying with one of the thin straps of her favorite yellow sundress. She hesitated for another second, and then began shrugging out of her dress. Taking a risk for him. Wanting more of those firsts with him. At least, if this was all they had, she’d own those memories.

She stripped down, tossing her clothes beside his. Naked in the moonlight except for her necklace.

He grabbed her hand, his skin warm against hers. “Go! Before someone sees us!”