“What’s plenty?” asked Luke. “Like, a dozen?”

Dean laughed, but it still kinda stung that even though he was here with Carly, they were still making manwhore jokes.

Christie laid a hand on his arm, as though she’d picked up on his discomfort. “Ignore these comedians. I think it’s great, Dean. I’m happy for you. I think she’s great.”

“Thanks. Speaking of Carly, I should probably get back to her.” He wasn’t really in the mood for more ribbing. Instead, he wanted to hang on to what Christie had said, about Carly being great, and the two of them making a cute couple. Even if it was only temporary.

He picked up the drinks, glancing around for Carly. She was caught in a conversation with Mike and Ashley, both of whom were looking down at her condescendingly, clinging to each other. Rubbing how great they were together in her face. He walked over and set their drinks down on a nearby table.

“Hey,” he said, slipping an arm around her waist. She leaned into him, and he dipped his head, breathing in that warm citrusy smell that he’d always liked. Now, after the past twenty-four hours, it was also a smell that made him semi-hard. He caught her mouth in a quick kiss.

“Carly was just telling us about her little hobby,” said Ashley, her eyes raking over Dean. He fought back the urge to roll his eyes.

“Well, it’s more than a hobby,” said Carly, a defensive edge creeping into her tone. “I work hard at it, and I get paid for gigs. I’ve performed in Cheyenne, Salt Lake City, Denver, Wichita, and I have a gig next month in Santa Fe.”

Ashley’s expression changed, from one of condescension to being mildly impressed. “Oh. I didn’t realize you were . . . you know. Doing it on that scale. Mike didn’t mention that.” She shot her boyfriend a reproving glance.

Carly shrugged. “That’s probably because he never came to any of my shows.”

“Oh, man,” said Dean, shaking his head. “You missed out. She’s freaking hilarious on stage.” He chuckled. “I think my favorite bit is the one about what’s wrong with every Disney princess.”

She smiled up at him. “Well, I mean, come on. You could host an episode of Maury with those bitches. Ariel’s a hoarder, Belle’s got a major case of Stockholm syndrome, Aurora’s like, freaking narcoleptic, and don’t even get me started on Snow White.”

“Tell us a joke from your show!” said Ashley, clapping her hands together.

Carly sighed and shot Dean an “oh, brother” glance. “It doesn’t really work like that. It’s a whole routine that I’ve spent months writing. It all goes together. It doesn’t work if you take it apart.” She took a big gulp of her margarita.

“You’ve got some good one liners, though,” said Dean, unable to keep the pride out of his voice, and she smiled and half shrugged.

She cleared her throat and did her best nature-show-presenter impression. “Unlike his cousin, the electric eel, the acoustic eel is not deadly. He does, however, ruin parties by bringing his guitar with him.”

Ashley laughed. “Hey, that’s funny,” she said, sounding a bit surprised.

“So is that what you want to do? Be a stand-up comedian and work at the bar?” asked Dr. Mike, something almost scolding and reproachful in his tone.

“For now, yeah. I know you have a hard time believing it, but I’m happy doing what I’m doing. I like doing stand-up. I like working at the bar. I know it doesn’t seem like much to you, but I like my life, Mike.”

Pride glowed through Dean at the way Carly was handling the situation. She was funny, and strong, and . . . God, just so many things.

“Hey, would you guys mind taking a picture?” Dean asked, fishing his phone out of his pocket.

Dr. Mike’s lip curled slightly, but he took Dean’s phone. “Sure.”

Carly leaned her head on his chest, and whispered, “Say ‘raging salmon.’” He started to laugh, and so did she as Mike snapped the picture. He practically shoved Dean’s phone back at him, then took Ashley’s hand and led her away.

Dean and Carly looked at each other and then burst out laughing.

* * *

After the rehearsal dinner, Dean took Carly’s hand and led her out of the restaurant. She’d assumed they’d just go back to their room, but then lights and soft music caught her attention from the large open square near the lobby building.

Dean noticed her looking in that direction and gave her hand a squeeze. “Wanna go check it out?”

She nodded. “Sure. I don’t know what it is, but let’s go.”

They walked in easy, comfortable silence along the path, the empty pool gurgling quietly, the palm fronds whispering softly above their heads. As they got closer to the square, the vibrant mariachi music got louder, the lights of whatever was going on shining up into the night sky. They crossed over a bridge that arched over one of the arms of the pool and rounded a corner. Carly let out a happy little gasp.

Colorful banners were strung between the palm trees, fluttering cheerfully in the breeze. In the center of the square, a mariachi band played, while booths laden with goods lined the perimeter of the square. Dozens of people milled about, perusing the items for sale at the booths.