“Excuse me, raging salmon?” said Ellie. “What the frak is a raging salmon?”

Dean chuckled. “Inside joke. My turn. Never have I ever had sex in the shower.”

Everyone else, including Carly, drank. She turned to face him, her eyebrows raised. “Really? Never?”

He shook his head. “Nope. Never.” His knee brushed against her, and she felt her stomach flutter and then tighten, her mind once again flashing back to the kiss. His arm was still draped over the back of the bench, and his fingers grazed her shoulder. She sucked in a breath, wanting to move closer to him, but knowing she shouldn’t.

But everyone thought they were a couple, so she shifted on the bench until her hip was flush with his. God, everything was getting so mixed up when it came to Dean. What she should and shouldn’t want, what she should and shouldn’t do.

Shannon cleared her throat before taking her turn. “Never have I ever had sex on the first date.”

Everyone drank except Carly.

Matt zeroed in on them. “So you two didn’t on your first date? Dean must really be serious about you.”

Carly shook her head and then shrugged, without a single clue how to respond to that. She trailed a finger up and down her plastic cup, playing with the condensation, trying to think of a question. “Never have I ever had multiple orgasms.” She felt rather than saw Dean’s head whip around lighting fast. Again, it was something she wouldn’t have said without the beer, and she belatedly realized how it sounded, since they were supposed to be dating, and presumably sleeping together, and Dean had a reputation for . . .


But no one in the group said anything as Shannon drank.

Ellie whispered something to Matt, and then took her turn. “Never have I ever gone skinny dipping.”

A wolfish grin spread across Matt’s face as he and Shannon drank. Apparently, Dean, although experienced, was somewhat water-averse when it came to sex.

The game continued, and Dean nudged her and dipped his head to whisper in her ear.

“Really? Never?” His voice had taken on a husky tone, and she curled her toes underwater.

“The skinny dipping, or the, uh, the other thing?”

“Both. The skinny dipping,” he said, and then his voice dropped even further, nothing more than a delicious rumble that she felt in her belly. “And the multiple orgasms.”

Oh, God. If he said orgasms again in that voice, she might just have one right here in the pool.

She shook her head, trying subtly to rub her thighs together. “Nope.”

“Mmm. That’s a shame,” he said, his voice a soft growl. Something cracked open inside her, something she’d been fighting back since that kiss yesterday. She was willing to bet a week’s worth of tips that Dean could make her come as many times as he wanted, and God, she wanted to find out if she was right. She couldn’t deny it or fight it any longer—she wanted him, badly. She shouldn’t, but she did, and in a way she couldn’t ignore. It would risk their friendship, and it might make things weird. But what if it didn’t?

What if he wanted her as much as she wanted him, and they were both playing chicken with the truth?

Chapter 6

Dean and Carly walked back toward their room in comfortable silence, their flip-flops smacking against the path as the sun sank lower in the sky. After the game of Never Have I Ever, they’d lounged in the pool for another hour or so, riding out the buzz, swimming lazily. Every time she’d brushed by him, her skin sliding against his, he’d felt it low in his gut and had waged an almost constant battle against an erection. He’d won, but just barely.

They entered their building and climbed the stairs to their room. She pulled the key card from the beach bag and tapped it against the door. Before she’d pulled her hand back, Dean reached for the knob, his fingers brushing against her wrist. Just touching her made him feel so good, so warm, that he let his hand linger, tracing his thumb over the soft skin on the underside of her wrist. Her pupils dilated as her nipples hardened beneath her bikini top, and he almost kissed her right then, right there, at the undeniable evidence that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

And he’d just lost the battle against that erection. She glanced down, first at where he was still touching her wrist, and then further, and she inhaled sharply. He had to somehow regain control of the situation, and he pushed the door open, holding it for her and gesturing her inside.

“Do you want to shower first?” he asked as she walked into the room ahead of him.

She turned and studied him, biting her lip. “No, you go ahead.” Her eyes once again dropped to his cock. Given that his swim trunks were still damp, he knew she could see the outline of it clear as day, and there was nothing he could do to hide it.

Fuck. Nothing he wanted to do to hide it either, because he liked that she was looking at him. Liked that she was turned on.

He opened his mouth, and then closed it, totally unsure for the first time in his adult life what to say. Without a word, he turned and headed for the bathroom, shutting the door behind him and cranking on the shower. He stripped out of his swim trunks, his achingly hard cock snapping against his stomach, and hung them on one of the hooks lining the wall. Stepping under the spray, he closed his eyes and tilted his face up, the water pelting against him.

There was something so familiar, and yet so different about being with Carly. Familiar because he knew her—her likes and dislikes, her quirks, her habits. Familiar because he’d wanted lots of women in his lifetime. But different because he’d never wanted her like this before. Different because even though he was no stranger to arousal and sex, it felt new with her. Because she was familiar.