“Perfect!” said Shannon, red curls blazing behind her as she walked up with a fresh round of beers in her hands. “You’re just in time.”

“In time for what?” Luke asked.

“Oh, we’re going to get drunk in the pool and play Never Have I Ever.”

“Yeah, count me out,” he said, sending her a warm smile. “But you guys have fun.” He jumped in the pool and headed toward Ethan, presumably to relieve Dean from Marco Polo duties. Everyone else hopped into the pool to follow Shannon to one of the alcoves off of the main part of the pool. Circular benches, flanked with elegant columns rising out of the water, were emerged in the pool, with jets nestled into the back of the benches.

Shannon set the drinks down on the ledge. “Everyone knows the rules?”

“Sure,” said Ellie. “Someone shares something they haven’t done, and if anyone in the group has done the thing, you drink.”

Carly settled herself down onto the submerged bench, the water up to her breasts, just as Dean sat down beside her. Matt passed the beers out to everyone.

Shannon smiled mischievously, and Carly’s stomach dipped. She had a feeling this was about to get interesting. Dean’s leg grazed hers as he leaned back against the bench, sprawling his arms over the back, the plastic cup of beer looking small in his big hand.

“Never have I ever smoked pot,” said Shannon.

Matt drank, and Carly took a big sip of her beer, savoring the cool liquid.

“Why, Carly Jensen, I had no idea you were such a bad girl,” Dean said, his tone light and teasing.

“Oh, please. It was like three times in college. I can’t believe you’re such a goody-goody.”

“I am not a goody-goody. I just happen to treat my body like a temple.”

At his words, she couldn’t stop her eyes from drifting down his chiseled torso. “Right. That’s why you and I eat bacon cheeseburgers together at least once a week.”

“Carly, your turn,” said Shannon.

“Okay. Never have I ever . . . been in handcuffs.”

Ellie’s cheeks flushed unmistakably, and both she and Matt drank.

Dean choked out a laugh. “You know, I think it’s pretty funny that the cop is the one who’s both smoked weed, and been in handcuffs.”

Matt shrugged. “The first one was in high school, and the second one was . . .” He smirked. “Off-duty.”

Ellie splashed him, a semi-mortified look on her face. “My turn. Never have I ever had a threesome.”

Nobody moved for a moment, and then Dean cursed quietly, lifting his drink to his lips.

Carly shook her head. It served as a timely reminder of just who Dean was, and how he lived his life. It didn’t matter that he was good looking and sweet and funny. He was totally wrong for her, and letting her jumbled emotions get the better of her would only lead to ruining their friendship.

Matt leveled his detective’s gaze at them. “Never have I ever dated a co-worker.”

Shannon sipped her beer, and as Carly watched her she felt Dean nudge her in the ribs.

Oh. Right.

She drank, licking a stray drop of beer from her lip. “Who did you have a threesome with?” She asked a question she probably wouldn’t have asked if she wasn’t riding a nice buzz.

“It was a while ago. Nobody you know.”

“Two women?”

He laughed. “Yeah, Car. Two women. No judgment here, but personally not interested in dueling swords with another dude.”

“Did you just refer to your . . . er . . .” She stopped herself. Jesus, she’d been about to say cock. “Raging salmon, as a sword?”