Just when the moment couldn’t have felt any more pristine, it started to snow, light, fluffy flakes drifting lazily down around them. He felt Ellie tip her head back, and she laughed, her arms secure around his shoulders, as the falling snowflakes danced like a kaleidoscope around them. The happiness filling his chest warred with the heavy weight of dread sitting in his stomach. The pure perfection of the moment pressed uncomfortably against the knowledge that he was moving a thousand miles away. In three days.

Matt’s chest tightened. What was happening? Because it sure as hell felt like he was falling for a woman he’d only known for a few hours. It defied logic, but he couldn’t deny that there was something about Ellie that felt . . . well, perfect. In a way no woman had ever felt before. He wasn’t ready to face midnight and what it would mean for them.

He eased her to the ground and picked up the champagne bottle, dusting the snow off of it. Levity. He needed levity. Holding it up in one hand, he shot her a teasing smile. “This is stolen property. You’re a bad girl, Ellie.”

She bit her lip, smiling coyly. “Oh yeah, I’m trouble.” She laughed, rolling her eyes. Taking the bottle from him, she peeled back the foil and started wiggling the cork free.

“Maybe I’ll have to frisk you.”

She squeaked and her hand tightened around the cork, jerking it free and sending foaming champagne spurting suggestively over her hands. “Oops.”

“Better you than me,” said Matt, loving the way she blushed all the way from her neck to the tips of her ears.

She took a healthy swig from the bottle before passing it to him, and he did the same, watching as she shook the champagne off of her hands. For several minutes, they passed the champagne back and forth, and he lost himself in the scenery and the company. All too soon the moment was shattered as the sound of hundreds of voices shouting in unison pierced the night air.

“20 . . . 19 . . .”

No! It couldn’t be midnight already. A surge of panic rushed through him, his limbs tingling like he’d been struck by lightning. Matt turned to Ellie, his heart pressing up into his throat. “I have to tell you something.”

She cocked her head and pulled his jacket tight around her. “Okay.” A hint of apprehension flashed in her eyes, and guilt ate at him. He should’ve told her sooner. He was an asshole to have let things go this far.

He took a deep breath.

“10 . . . 9 . . .”

“I’m moving. To Seattle. In three days.”

Her mouth gaped open, her eyes wide and shining with disappointment he knew he’d put there. A single snowflake landed on her cheek and melted instantly.

“3 . . . 2 . . .”

It was over.

Chapter 5

“3. . . 2 . . .”

The past few hours with Matt had been the most perfect hours of Ellie’s entire life. And now . . . what? He was leaving? Moving several states away? A band of pain clamped around her heart like a vice. How could it be that only minutes ago they’d been laughing, and drinking stolen champagne as impossibly light, fluffy snowflakes fell around them? That reality and this one didn’t fit together.

Matt’s eyes locked on hers, their blue depths solemn.

“Happy New Year!”

As fireworks exploded and shimmered over the ski hill, she did the only thing that felt right. Closing the small distance that separated them, she cupped Matt’s face in her hands and kissed him. Matt responded immediately, returning her kiss and fisting a hand in her hair, as though he were scared she’d change her mind and pull away. He wrapped his other arm around her and pulled her tight against him, deepening the kiss. As his tongue slid against hers, every cell in her body threatened to explode with lust. She moved her lips against his and a thrill shot through her. His mouth, his kiss, was everything she’d hoped it would be: hot and delicious and perfect. She’d been aching to know what his mouth would feel like all night, and it was easily a million times better than she’d imagined.

He caught her bottom lip between his, sucking gently before caressing her tongue with his again. A current of need raced from her mouth to where she suddenly felt empty, throbbing and aching for him. Holy hell, could he kiss. His lips felt incredible against hers, warm and gentle and soft. And he tasted so good, like champagne and mint. She could kiss him forever, and it would never be enough. Pleasure raced through her, raising goose bumps on her skin that had nothing to do with the cold.

She broke the kiss, and he pressed his forehead to hers, his breathing heavy. The heat shining in his blue eyes was unmistakable.

“I needed to know.” Her voice shook, and she was surprised she could speak around the jumble of emotions churning through her.

“Know what?”

“If this is real.”

“That sure as hell felt real to me.” There was a roughness to his voice, and the idea that she’d done that to him thrilled her.

“Me too.”