Before midnight, he promised himself.

Chapter 4

As they settled in at the table, it hit Matt that this could be a terrible idea. It would be unfair to Ellie if Luke or Christie spilled the beans about his move before he had the chance to tell her himself. She didn’t deserve to find out that way.

Ellie sat down beside him, and her movements stilled as she shook hands with Luke, her eyes zipping back and forth between him and Matt.

“You’re identical?” she asked, still looking back and forth between them.

“Yep.” Luke and Matt answered at the same time, in the exact same tone of voice. Luke leaned forward. “But I’m twelve minutes older.” Twelve minutes older, and easily distinguishable from Matt with his longer hair and permanent stubble.

Ellie laughed. “Good to know.”

He sat back in his seat, taking a deep breath. What, exactly, was he hoping to accomplish here? He’d already determined that Ellie wasn’t the kind of woman he could have a one-night stand with. He rubbed his chest as he thought of what it would be like to have her and then walk away the next morning.

Thankfully, Trevor and Christie had discovered that they’d both gone to Tulane, and for now, the conversation was safely away from the topic of Seattle. Under the table, Ellie’s fingers laced with his, and he could’ve sworn that his heart literally skipped a beat. Shit. What was happening to him? He was buzzing, floating, and it had nothing to do with alcohol. He’d only had the one beer, and he pushed his glass away, not wanting more. He didn’t want anything about this night to be fuzzy. He wanted to remember every single minute, every single second, every look, every gesture. Every touch. Wanted it all imprinted on his brain, because something was happening tonight. Something rare and impossible to explain.

The conversation at the table continued, but he wasn’t paying attention. His sole focus was the feel of Ellie’s fingers between his, her small palm flush and warm against his. God, he wanted her. He couldn’t even fully explain why. Yes, she was pretty and cute and sweet. Funny and charming in a very accidental way. But it was more than that. There was something about her that made him feel awake and alive for the first time in—well, in years.

He was half-hard just thinking about falling into bed with her.

Trevor stopped mid-sentence as Victor lurched toward their table.

“Hope you’re enjoying my date,” he slurred, his eyes stabbing daggers at Matt. Then he cut his eyes to Ellie. “I wouldn’t have tried so hard if I’d known you were this easy.”

Matt slowly rose to his feet, not wanting to start a fight, but no fucking way was he going to let someone talk to his Ellie like he owned her.

And yet you keep thinking of her as your Ellie and you barely know her.

It didn’t feel like he barely knew her. Not at all. Which was both confusing and exciting at the same time.

“You had a date, and it didn’t go well. End of story.” Matt shoved his hands in his pockets, clenching them into fists.

“It was going fine until you pounced. What’s wrong with you? Find your own date.” Victor’s hand landed on Ellie’s shoulder, and she shrugged away from him. Trevor stood and placed a hand on Victor’s back, clapping him in mock affection, a forced smile on his face. “Come on, Vic. Let’s go have a drink.”

“I don’t want to have a drink. I want my date back, which was going perfectly fine until this asshole barged in.” He shoved a finger in Matt’s direction, spittle flying as he spat the words out.

“It was not going well.” Ellie spun in her seat to face Victor. “Like, really, really not.”

“You were with me,” said Victor, his words dripping with malice and frustration. “I bought your drinks. You owe me.”

“She doesn’t owe you anything,” said Matt, stepping up to Victor, leaving only inches between them.

“Fucking bitch led me on.” He pointed angrily at Ellie, whose face had gone white.

“All right. Wrap it up. You’re done here.” Matt kept his voice calm and level, calling on his years of experience dealing with creeps just like Victor.

Victor shoved him in the chest, hard, but Matt had braced himself, half expecting it.

“You’re done!” The music had stopped, and people were swiveling their heads to watch the drama unfolding. Again, nothing Matt wasn’t used to. Cops tended to attract attention. Victor shoved Matt again, harder this time, and he stumbled back into the table, toppling over drinks and sending a wine glass rolling to the floor with a smash.

“Come on!” The veins in Victor’s neck and forehead stood out, frustrated rage coursing off of him in waves. He turned his red face toward Ellie. “He’s not even fucking fighting for you! Not that you’re worth it.” And then Victor took a swing.

Completely in control, Matt stepped out of the way and grabbed Victor’s arm, twisting it behind him and slamming his upper body down onto the table as if it were the hood of a cruiser. “Enough.”

“I can make your life miserable. Do you have any idea who my father is?” Victor practically shrieked, but his voice came out muffled as Matt pressed his hand into the back of Victor’s head, which was turned sideways, his face smushed into the table.

“No. Why? Your mom didn’t tell you?”