“Like what?”

“Like this.” He took one of her hands and guided it to the front of his pants. Oh, God. He was so mouthwateringly hard that she might’ve actually drooled a little. Her hands already moving to his belt buckle, he backed her against the wall.

“Well, we can’t have that, can we?” She tugged his pants down and his cock sprang free. Luke cupped her ass and lifted her, pinning her between his hard body and the wall, his face already buried in her neck. She fumbled for the condom in the pocket of her robe, and he slid against her, his breathing already rough. Or maybe that was her. She couldn’t tell, didn’t care. She managed to roll the condom down his length and gasped as he thrust into her, his mouth crashing into hers. She’d never been taken against a wall like this, and damn if it wasn’t the hottest sex she’d ever had.

She could’ve sworn the air shimmered around her as Luke moved inside her, hitting the perfect angle and sending tingling sparks dancing over her skin. She gripped his waist with her legs, dissolving into him. He kissed her as though he were a starving man and she was the first sustenance he’d had in days. He stroked in and out in a sure rhythm, his tongue mirroring the thrust of his hips.

“Jesus, Christie. How is it that I’m inside you and it’s still not enough?”

She moaned as he adjusted his grip on her, deepening the angle. “I know,” she managed to gasp out, not able to find the words she needed to tell him that she wanted to crawl into him, to meld with him to make something shiny and new and beautiful. He stilled and kissed her again, his mouth lingering on hers.

“I don’t want it to end,” he whispered, and buried his face in her neck, kissing and nipping along her heated skin. She threaded her fingers through his hair as the moment expanded around them, time slowing and wrapping them in a cocoon, soft and warm. Her heart felt as though someone had poured honey all over it, all sticky and sweet.

“Me neither.” The last syllable came out on a shaky moan as he thrust again and then rearranged his grip so that she was propped up with one impressive forearm. His other hand dropped down to where they were joined, and he slicked a thumb over her swollen clit. Her back arched off the wall as Luke coaxed pleasure from her with his body.

She fell apart in his arms, trusting him to hold her up until she came back together, and he followed her over the edge, moaning her name as he came.

* * *

Once, Ethan had asked if his mother was dead, if that was the reason she never contacted him. Luke’s heart had ached for his little man, for the rejection he still struggled to understand. Even worse, a tiny part of him wished it were true. He knew it made him a terrible person for even thinking it, but if she had died, it would almost be easier.

Truth be told, Luke had been more excited about Angela’s surprise pregnancy than she’d been. He refused to think of it as an accident, even though that’s pretty much what it was. She’d forgotten a pill or two and had found herself peeing on a stick a few weeks later. They’d been dating for almost a year, and even though things were serious enough between them, they hadn’t really had the kids talk. Christ, they’d barely talked about getting married, and then boom. She was pregnant. Not keeping the baby hadn’t even crossed Luke’s mind, but he’d found out years later that it had crossed Angela’s. He’d been too busy buying a diamond ring to think about what Angela might really be feeling and thinking about having an unexpected baby at twenty-two. Hell, he’d barely been twenty-five himself. Not too young, but not exactly ready, either. They’d had a small, quiet wedding, and six months later, Ethan had come screaming into the world. Looking back on it all now, Luke could see how scared and unhappy Angela had been, even on their wedding day, but he’d been too caught up in everything happening in their lives to slow down and look at a truth he didn’t want to see.

She’d left not long after Ethan’s third birthday. She’d been increasingly distant and disconnected from both Luke and Ethan. He’d known things weren’t good, but he hadn’t really known what to do about it. He loved Ethan more than life itself, but by then, he’d realized that he wasn’t in love with Angela. One snowy afternoon, Ethan’s preschool had called Luke, saying that Angela hadn’t come to pick up Ethan. Luke had gone to get him, and when they got home, she was gone. She’d left a note taped to the fridge, four words that had sent everything into a tailspin.

I’m sorry. I can’t.

She’d taken all of her stuff, her car, and most of their savings, only emailing weeks later from California. As much as he didn’t want to believe it, the simple truth was that Angela was a deeply selfish woman who had no interest in being a mother.

Once, there’d been bitterness and anger and resentment when he thought about Angela, but all of that had burned itself out long ago. Nowadays, he only heard from her sporadically, the occasional email here and there. She never asked about Ethan, and Luke didn’t tell him about the emails. He didn’t need to know that she never asked about him, despite the photos and updates he sent her on a semi-annual basis.

“Are you in love with Dr. Harmon?” Ethan asked around a mouthful of lasagna.

Luke sputtered on his water. “Where would you get an idea like that?”

“Because you had a date with her last night and now you’re really happy. Did you ask her to be your girlfriend?”

“Eat your supper.” Luke shoved a forkful of lasagna into his own mouth. This was exactly what he’d been afraid of, precisely why he didn’t date. If Ethan got attached to someone who Luke brought into their lives and it didn’t work out, he didn’t know how he’d cope with the guilt of forcing Ethan to endure another rejection.

Undeterred, Ethan continued. “Is she going to be my step-mom? That would be cool. Jason Winchester has a step-mom, and she’s really nice.”

“You’re getting way ahead of yourself, dude. It was one date.” Despite his words, Luke’s heart thundered in his chest. Suddenly the image of Christie walking toward him in a beautiful white dress, smiling at him like he was the only man in the world, had taken hold and didn’t seem to be letting go. Just like everything else about her. His stomach flipped over, and he wasn’t sure if it was in fear or joy. Was there a name for when those two met?


No. No way. It was way too fast, way too soon. He liked her, sure. Really liked her. Thought about her constantly. Something new was taking root, pushing out the fear and hesitation he usually felt when it came to getting involved with a woman and replacing it with a cautious kind of happiness. An excitement that was both terrifying and exhilarating. But that didn’t mean he was falling for her, did it?

“I can tell when she texts you.” Ethan raised an eyebrow, giving his dad a “you’re so busted” look.

“Oh yeah?” Luke’s stomach clenched.

“Yep. You get all happy, like you just got a cool new toy.”

Luke didn’t respond, shoving a forkful of salad into his mouth and then putting more greens on Ethan’s plate. “Do you have homework tonight?” he finally asked, but Ethan ignored him and plowed ahead.

“Can we hang out with her? All three of us?”

An icy bolt of fear coursed through his veins, stealing his breath and freezing his muscles. It was a terrible idea. It really was. And yet at the same time, it filled him with an excited hope. The air returned to his lungs and his chest felt tight and full as he thought about the three of them, together.