He wrapped his arms around her and kissed her, and she drank him in—his taste, the feel of his arms around her, his hot, hard body pressed against her—until she couldn’t breathe. Careful to keep his weight on his forearms, he eased himself down on top of her, trailing kisses over her neck and collarbone, his hard cock pressing hotly against her stomach.

She arched her hips up into him, and the low groan that rumbled from him sent a fresh wave of arousal crashing through her. “I want you inside me. Now. Please.” She should’ve been embarrassed at how needy she sounded, but she couldn’t help it. She was coming undone for him, unraveling and falling apart. Feeling empty, she wrapped her legs around his waist.

His forehead pressed to hers, he eased himself into her, slowly, giving her time to stretch around his thick length. She felt so full and tight, and he was only halfway in.

“Okay?” His voice was low and rough, and when he pushed farther in, she moaned loudly, unable to form words. She was too busy trying not to die as he filled her. “I’ll take that as a yes.” His hands ran over her ribcage, her breasts, and he pushed her arms above her head, sliding his hands up to entwine her fingers with his. “God, Christie,” he breathed, his eyes holding hers as he withdrew and thrust back in. “You feel incredible.”

She squeezed her fingers around his and hitched her legs higher around him, urging him deeper. Buried inside her, he kissed her, his chest heaving against hers, and as he made love to her, the sounds of their bodies coming together filled the room, an erotic symphony of the creaking of the mattress, panting breaths, kissing, moaning, flesh colliding with increasing speed and intensity. Sweat beaded on skin, and she was so hot, burning for him, that it felt like when he was through with her, she’d be nothing but ash. Hot, coiled pressure gathered between her legs as his pelvis ground into her, and she shuddered and thrust her body up toward his as a second orgasm rocked through her. Her release seemed to push him over the edge, and with a few final hard, deep thrusts, he came, his face buried in her neck.

For several moments, neither of them moved, simply breathing and luxuriating in the connection of their bodies.

“Wow.” He whispered the word against her neck, chasing the sound with a kiss, his lips trailing over her skin.

“Mmmhmm,” she murmured, unable to form anything more coherent than that. After another moment, he pushed up off of her, disposed of the condom, and slipped back into bed.

Luke pulled her into his arms, and with his heart beating against her cheek, she watched the snowflakes fall. For the first time since she’d arrived in Cheyenne, she felt like she was home.

Chapter 6

December 8

Christie pulled the sash tighter on her bathrobe as she watched Luke button up his now slightly wrinkled shirt. She stretched and smiled to herself as she felt a soreness in her thigh muscles, a stiffness around her hips. Between her legs, she tingled and throbbed exquisitely, her delicate flesh tender. Luke had spent the night, and after that first explosive encounter, they’d made love twice more, and then once again this morning. She’d fallen asleep in his arms, tucked into him, and as she’d watched the snow fall in the pale light of the street lamp outside her bedroom window, she’d known that just like the snowflakes falling outside, she was drifting down, hoping that Luke would catch her.

“You’ll call me?” she asked, raking a hand through her hair.

His head swiveled up from his buttons, a crooked smile emphasizing his right dimple. “Of course.”

“Good.” She pressed her fingertips to her lips, preventing herself from saying anything else. The last thing she needed was to send him running by acting clingier than Saran Wrap.

He sat down on the bed beside her, now fully dressed, and pressed one large, warm palm to her cheek. “Christie, last night was . . . it was incredible. Things happened fast, but it’s been a long time since I’ve felt about anyone the way I feel about you.”

Her heart thumped in her chest at the happiness she saw shining in his eyes. She didn’t doubt for a second that he meant what he said. “I really like you, Luke.” She rubbed her face into his palm, and despite her soreness, a throb pulsed between her legs.

“And I really like you, Christie.” He dipped his head and brushed his lips over hers, a soft, gentle kiss. “Are you busy tonight?”

She shot him a rueful smile. “I have an afternoon shift at the hospital. One of the other pediatricians is away, so things will be a little hectic for the next couple of days. But I’ll text you as soon as I know when I’ll be free.”

He kissed her forehead. “You better.”

“Are you sure you have to go?” Oh, yeah. She was doing just great at not clinging.

He pressed his forehead against hers, weaving his hands into her hair. “You have no idea how badly I want to stay and lose myself in you again. But I have a job booked for this morning and I need to run home and change.”

She nodded and followed him to the front door, watching him slip into his coat, his keys jingling in his hand. He sent her a knee-weakening smile, and then stepped through the door, striding toward his snow-dusted truck in the driveway.

She turned back to the kitchen, not quite knowing what to do with herself. Not quite knowing what to do with the jumble of emotions spilling through her, churning her stomach. She turned on the coffee maker, and then sat down at the kitchen table, watching the morning sunshine glint against the new-fallen snow, winking like diamonds in the bright light. She shook her head, and a long, smoky tendril of fear and disappointment wound its way around her heart. Of course, she knew she needed to tell him about the pictures, about Brian, everything. It was just a matter of finding the right time, the right way. The way that wouldn’t make him look at her like she was some kind of shameful liar. The way that would somehow convince him she was good enough for him. For Ethan. Because, God, she wanted them both.

A sharp rap on her door startled her out of her thoughts. Clutching her robe around her, she opened it to find Luke standing on her porch, his truck cleared of snow, but still sitting in her driveway.

“I forgot something.”

She frowned, looking around. “You did?”

His large hands cupped her face and he kissed her, his mouth hot and tender on hers. Immediately, her arms circled him, pulling him close. Despite the ache between her legs, she wanted him again. Needed him again. Right now. It was as though she was completely addicted to him. His touch, his mouth, his gorgeous body. His laugh. His smile. Every part of him. Luke.

He broke the kiss, but kept his mouth in contact with hers as he kicked the door closed behind him. His hands moved to the sash of her robe, and he tugged it open. The cold air that had followed him in caressed her bare skin, goose bumps erupting where it touched her.

“I’m going to saw my hand off if I go to work like this.”