“Dad! Dad! Can I get a cider?” Ethan danced around them, his cheeks pink with cold and excitement as they reached the Depot Plaza.

Luke reached into his back pocket and pulled his wallet out. “Sure, bud.” He began to slide out a five-dollar bill, but then paused and arched an eyebrow at her. “Would you like a cider?”

“You know, I think I would. I don’t reckon I’ve ever had a hot cider before.”

Warmth flashed in his eyes. “I love the way you say that. Reckon.” He pulled out a ten-dollar bill and handed it to Ethan. “Three ciders, please, sir, and ask for a tray so you don’t spill.”

As Ethan scampered away, the money clutched in his small fist, Luke dipped his head. “Where do you reckon you’d like to go for dinner?”

Heat crawled over her cheeks. “Are you making fun of my accent?” Truth be told, she was a little sensitive about it and how it branded her as an outsider.

“I would never. I think it’s cute as hell.”

Her cheeks burned even more, and all she could think about was kissing him. What would it feel like to weave her hands through that thick hair and pull his face down to hers? She ached with how badly she wanted to find out.

Ethan came back, a cardboard tray with three steaming Styrofoam cups in his hands. He looked up at Luke, giving him over-the-top puppy-dog eyes. “Can I keep the change?”

“Only if you promise to clean your room tomorrow.”

“But Dad, it’s like, not that messy.”

“I’ll take that change back, then.” Luke held out his hand.

“Okay! I’ll clean it tomorrow.”

She bit her lip, smiling at the exchange. It was wonderful, watching him in full-on Dad mode. Wonderful, and a total turn on.

He took the tray, handing one cup to Ethan and offering one to her before picking up his own. “Cheers. Here’s to . . . trying new things.” He tapped his cup against hers, and then she watched, transfixed, as his lips puckered and he blew the steam away before he took a small sip. She did the same, savoring the sweet flavors of apple and cinnamon with a hint of maple as they mingled on her tongue.

The tree-lighting ceremony began, and Ethan ran ahead. Luke once again took her hand and they moved forward, closer to the towering Scots pine in the middle of the plaza. The mayor and his wife took the stage, welcoming everyone. A local band began playing “Rockin’ Around the Christmas Tree,” and the happiness and holiday spirit were almost palpable, hovering over the crowd like fairy dust. Lights around the stage flashed, and suddenly, the Christmas tree came to life with twinkling red-and-white lights. Cheers erupted from the crowd, and Christie found herself leaning into Luke, sighing contentedly. He slipped an arm around her shoulders, tucking her into him as if she’d always belonged there.

And to think she’d come to the parade on a whim.

Chapter 4

December 7

Christie smoothed the front of her red-lace shift dress, not because it was wrinkled, but because she needed something to do with her hands. Picking up her phone, she read Luke’s text again.

Pick you up at 6. Can’t wait to see you. Been thinking about you all day.

A nervous thrill shot through her as she slipped into a pair of black pumps and heard Luke’s truck in her driveway. It was 5:58. She flung open the front door before he even had the chance to knock, and belatedly realized that her enthusiasm was probably making her look like a huge dork.

“I heard your truck, and . . . hi.”

He dipped his head and grazed his lips across her cheek in a soft, tantalizing kiss. Oh, God, he smelled so good. Like warmth and aftershave and man.

“Hi.” His eyes roamed over her body, and their blue depths darkened. “Wow. You look . . .” He ran his thumb over his bottom lip. “Incredible.” Pure, raw lust crackled over her skin under his approving gaze.

“Hi. I mean, thanks.” She blushed and ducked her head. His low chuckle forced her to look up again.

“You don’t need to be nervous around me.” He pulled her coat down off the hook on the wall by the front door. Striding over to her, he held it open, and she turned so that she could slip her arms into the sleeves. “If anyone should be nervous, it’s me. I haven’t been on a date in . . . well, in a while.” He pulled the coat over her shoulders and her eyes fluttered closed when his hands dipped into the collar to scoop her hair out. He swept it over one shoulder, and bent his head. His lips were so close to her ear that she could feel the heat from them on her skin. “So be gentle with me.”

She turned to face him and arched a teasing eyebrow. “You seem to be doing just fine.”

He winked. “The night is young.”

Oh, was she in trouble. Luke was sexy and funny and charming, and he smelled so good that she wanted to rub herself all over him like an affection-starved cat. She knew that sleeping with him would not be wise. She also knew that she really wanted to sleep with him. Her stomach did a slow, lurching turn at the thought of sex with Luke.