Page 6 of Conceal

It only takes about fifteen minutes for it to pull up in front of a high-rise building. Leaving the car, I trudge toward it. My bag isn’t heavy, but I’m exhausted. All the nerves rushing to the surface make me swear I could pass out.

I don’t, though. No, I push through. Holding back all my emotions, I keep my expression stoic up the elevator and down the hall until the door opens, then the tears come. My friend hasn’t changed at all over the years. She holds me in her arms, and I cry because for the first time since my nightmare started . . . I’m safe.

No one will find me here.

Chapter Three


Three weeks later . . .

It’s Friday afternoon, and yet again, both Addison and Grayson are out of town. I should be used to it, but I’m not. I know I said it was okay, and I know this is a test to see how well I’ll handle the company, but I miss them. Something I would never admit out loud.

It’s too quiet.

Sure, at Price Enterprise, we have a building full of staff, but on my floor, the top floor, only a few people work here.

Before the added responsibilities, I never came into the office, so it’s strange being here all the time. With my “skill set,” I can work from anywhere, and I prefer a remote location where I can’t be tracked.

Unfortunately, to prove myself and be taken seriously, I have to be at the office. Even when there is nothing for me to do. Be careful of what you wish for . . . look at Midas. I’m sure when he prayed for gold, he never thought about what would happen when he had to take a piss.

I peek at the tiny clock on the right side of my computer. It’s four p.m. Almost the end of the day.

Thank fuck. If it were a few months ago, I’d have left already. Since we’ve canceled the weekly board meeting, there’s nothing for me to do. I’ve finished all my work, and Grayson’s and Addison’s, too.

I should get out of here. The only problem is, I risk one of my siblings calling me and finding out I went home early. It might not seem like a big deal, however, putting up with them giving me shit and doubting my ability to lead is not something I want right now.

Then they will hire a replacement.

A spy. A liability.

I can trust everyone on this floor with my secret pastime, I can’t risk someone else finding out.

That would cause problems. If there is one thing I don’t want, it’s the FBI knocking on my door. The fewer people up here the better.

Which is why I’m putting on this show. Rather than leaving, I watch the clock, then play on my phone . . .

And when I grow bored with that, I hack into Addison’s travel plans, and once I figure out when she’ll be back in the States, I hack into Gray’s for good measure.

From what I gather, neither will be back for two weeks and then they will rarely be here. Addison has reasons for not being here, being pregnant and all. But Grayson . . .

I’m not sure what Grayson is doing.

Something tells me this is a test, and when I fuck up, he’ll pop out of the closet to tell me he knew I could never do it. Punked style.

When the clock strikes five p.m. on the dot, I stand, shutting down my computer, then grab my phone and head out the door.

I wave to Jasmine and Nicole as I pass their offices on my way to the elevator. Jasmine used to be Addison’s assistant, but now she’s working her way up the corporate ladder of Price Enterprise. Nicole is my brother’s assistant. I’m thankful they’re here with me because I know if I’m gone, they can run the show.

Once I take the ride down, I head out of the lobby and into the city traffic. I didn’t drive to work today, so a cab will do. As I lift my right hand up, I pull out my phone with my left hand.

I don’t want to go home. I don’t want to be by myself, and I’d much rather grab a drink.

Who can I call? Who would go out with me?

I scroll through my contacts, and the first name that pops up that might be up for a cocktail is Pierce Lancaster. Pierce and I have been friends for years.

Having both grown up as the youngest sibling to a family legacy impossible to live up to, we bonded from the beginning. I haven’t spoken to him in weeks, so I hit his name and fire off a text.

Me: Where you at?

Pierce: With Lindsey.

Of course he is. Why wouldn’t he be? If I were a woman, I’d roll my eyes. I forgot how lame Pierce became ever since he fell in love.