Not without riding through the night.

The words were unspoken, but Lily understood and felt for him and especially for Elijah. Looking over, she saw her old neighbor was wrapped in Josie’s hug. Lily could not imagine how hard it had been for him to turn away and come back here, but she was grateful, considering all the social implications if he had not.

Quelling talk tomorrow was going to be difficult enough. If Elijah had gone on, everyone would have been wonderingwhy.

Why had the Earl of Durham chased a villain into the night, leaving his wife at Brentwood Manor?

It was not a question easily answered without the truth, which was something they dared not share with anyone else. Very few people knew the Marquess of Camden was England’s spymaster or that his firstborn was set to inherit both his title and his position as such, and it was best kept that way.

“Did you see Evie?”

“Yes, she rode past us as we were headed back here. You should have stopped her from leaving.” A note of chiding entered Nathan’s voice, then his eyes widened in surprise when she snorted in derision. Nathan did not know Evie.

“We did not know she had gone,” Lily said. Elijah looked up, letting Josie go from his embrace so he could turn. “Let us go into the drawing-room so we can tell each other everything.”

Seeing the sense, they decamped from the foyer. Lily rang for a fresh pot of tea as they arranged themselves around the room. This time, the gentlemen sat as well, seeing no need to stand on ceremony. Rex pulled Mary onto his lap on the couch while Elijah did the same with Josie in one of the chairs. Lily hesitated as she returned to sit down—Nathan was on the couch as well. He patted the seat beside him, between himself and the couple snuggled on the other side.

Propriety was out the window. Inwardly shrugging, Lily sat next to him, enjoying the way he gripped her hand. She leaned her head on his shoulder as Josie recounted the events from their point of view, starting from when Warwick arrived.

Though, Lily noted, she did not mention that they had deliberately intercepted him, hoping to speak with him before the men could.

About halfway through their discussion, the doctor came downstairs. Warwick had been dosed with laudanum and fallen asleep. Questioning would have to wait until morning. Thanking him, Nathan sent the doctor on his way, leaving the rest of them to finish their stories, then head to bed.

Tomorrow was going to be another busy day.

* * *


Feeling utterly drained, Nathan was far too exhausted for marital romps by the time he and Lily made their way back to their rooms, yet he found himself pulling her into his room. He did not want to spend the night without her.

“I… I might be too sore…” She blushed, and Nathan could not help but chuckle, despite everything. The enjoyment of seeing her blush never faded.

“Nothing tonight, but I want to hold you.”

Awareness lit her eyes, and the blush did not go away, but she nodded and came into his room.

It was a different intimacy, undressing her without the intention of more. Sliding under the covers and holding each other close. Feeling the silky smoothness of her skin, the warmth of her embrace, and slowly relaxing in the haven of her arms.

Of course, his body reacted in an expected manner since she was naked. With no intention of pressing her for any kind of marital intimacies, Nathan shifted his hips away.

To his shock, Lily pressed him onto his back, her lips moving over his stomach towards his cock. At first, he did not think she could be doing what he thought she was going to do, but when she grasped his cock and moved her mouth towards the tip, he realized shedidknow.

“Where did you learn about this?” he asked hoarsely as her pink tongue flicked out to taste the tip. The soft wet heat of the lick made him shudder.

“My friends, of course.” Her smile was devious.

Normally, Nathan would not approve of gossip about such delicate matters. He hoped she would not share too much of their own activities with her friends, but as she closed her lips around the tip of his cock and flicked her tongue against the spongy head, he realized, in some cases, it was not at all a bad thing. On his back in the darkness, one hand threaded through her hair, he groaned as Lily explored him with her mouth and tongue as her hands cradled the sack beneath his cock and squeezed gently.

The wet heat of her mouth moving up and down his cock was inexperienced and unpracticed, yet entirely enjoyable. Nathan had never been on the receiving end of being an experiment, but that was very much what it felt like as Lily sucked and nibbled and licked.

When his peak approached, his hand tightened in her hair, and she let him take control. His hips thrust into her mouth, his groans filling the room as she sucked, despite the increasing pace of his movements.

“Lily!” Nathan cried as he released, pressing her head down against his groin. The muscles of her throat quivered around the head of his cock as she swallowed him down, her mouth still suckling the whole time. She did not stop until his body went limp, and his cock was softening, leaving him gasping, quivering, and far more tired than he had expected to be.

Despite the events of the day, he had not thought he would actually be able to sleep, but with his body drained and his head resting on her bosom as she cradled his head, her lips against his hair, his descent into sleep was the easiest thing in the world.
