Confused grooms milled about before hurrying to do as ordered.

Not waiting for a saddle, Elijah swung up onto his mount with only a bit between the horse’s teeth. Browne shouldered a groom out of the way, taking over saddling the black stallion in record time. By the time Nathan reached the yard, Browne was already on his way out, Rex just behind him, and Merlin was already saddled and being brought around.

Climbing on, he was barely mounted before kicking Merlin into a gallop and following the dust clouds down the road. Crouching low, he let Merlin have his head, and the stallion responded beautifully, eagerly stretching out his stride as though he was running a race. Unfortunately, Nathan was already far behind in the race.

His only comfort was that Lily was safe back at Talbot Manor, though he was sure she would be cursing his name.

Elijah was likely right.

They would never hear the end of it.

* * *


Thanks to the combined efforts of Mary, Josie, Evie, Lily, her parents, and surprisingly, Lady Cavill, Lily finally got everything under control. She dismissed the neighbors who were still there for the viewing and settled Warwick in a room, albeit uncomfortably, while they awaited the doctor. Lily’s parents retired once she had given them a very basic explanation of the events of the day. She told them about Sebastian’s murder but not about Mitchell being the traitor.

It was a bit of an odd explanation without being able to explain the motive, but they accepted it, exclaimed over her, and asked if she wanted them to wait with her for Nathan’s return. Lily had urged them to go to bed since her friends would be with her, and she could see how tired they were. They’d accepted her reassurances that she was fine and had gone to bed.

The doctor arrived before Nathan and the others, and she showed him to Warwick’s rooms, where he set to work. Seeing Warwick was in good hands, Lily felt comfortable leaving him there with a footman to assist the doctor.

“Where is Evie?” Lily asked as soon as she entered the drawing-room. Mary and Josie were there, but Evie was gone. For that matter, so was Lady Cavill, though that was more a relief since they could speak freely in her absence.

Mary blinked.

“We thought she was with you.”

Lily sighed and slumped on the couch. If she was to hazard a guess, Evie was on her way back to London. Not that she could blame her friend.

Though Evie’s uncle had guards around the house since the last assassination attempt, Mr. Mitchell had been a trusted personage. She would not want to leave her uncle alone—and likely wanted to be part of the hunt. Lily had no doubt they’d be hearing from Evie sometime soon.

“What a day. What a week.” Lily pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, closing her eyes and groaning.

“It has been an eventful Season,” Josie agreed. Even she sounded more exhausted than cheerful.

The couch shifted as Mary moved closer and took Lily’s other hand to comfort her. Lily sighed again when Mary squeezed her fingers, so glad to have had the support of her friends. She knew Evie had not abandoned them. She was just used to going her own way.

The urge to get up and do something was pounding inside her, but unfortunately, there was nothing any of them could do right now. They had to wait for someone to come back and tell them what was going on.

Letting her hand fall, Lily straightened. Therewasone thing she could do. The only thing she could think of to do.

She could do what any proper British lady did in a time of crisis—ring for tea.



The moon was bright, hanging in the dark sky, lighting up the country roads, but Nathan knew they were still risking the horses—and themselves—galloping down the lane.

Elijah waited at a crossroads, and Nathan pulled himself up. The moonlight was enough, he could easily see the grim set of Elijah’s expression. Merlin danced beneath Nathan, wondering why they were stopping before he finally settled. Behind him, he could hear Rex coming to a halt as well, and they both finished the last bit at a walk.

“Anthony has gone ahead,” Elijah said. His jaw was set. Being left out of the action always grated on all of them. “It has become clear that unless we want to ride through the night, we will not catch Mitchell… and our wives are back at Brentwood Manor.” He met Nathan’s gaze. “The funeral is tomorrow.”

“What about your father?” Nathan asked. That was likely the largest danger.

“The footman with my note about Mitchell was dispatched hours ago, so my father will be somewhat forewarned.” Elijah’s jaw worked. “If Mitchell has any sense, he will go to ground or jump on a ship.”

In which case, they would never find him. Nathan did not like that option. He wanted justice for his brother and reassurance the threat against all of them was over. Though now that Mitchell had been unmasked, the threat was most likely gone, wasn’t it? All Mitchell’s careful work had been to ensure no one would discover he was a traitor.