The door to his study slammed open, and his wife came sailing into the room like a warship, chin high, eyes flashing, and cannons at the ready. Behind her were Mary and Josie, spreading out as soon as they came through the door, forming a phalanx.

“We need to talk,” Lily announced.

* * *


Scanning quickly around the room, it only took a moment for Lily to find her husband and pin him with her gaze.

“I am assuming you knew that Lord Gabriel Warwick is one of your neighbors?” she asked, barely keeping the sarcasm threaded through her tone under control.

“Yes, of course, but what does that have to do with anything?”

The utter bafflement on Nathan’s face was satisfying in that Lily knew she was about to reveal information he had been unaware of. Trying to keep her and the other ladies out of everything… ha!

“Did you know he and his secretary visited your brother the evening before Sebastian’s murder?” Lily put her hands on her hips, raising her eyebrows when none of the men reacted.

“So?” Elijah asked.

Behind her, Josie made a noise of frustration.

“Really? You have been focusing your investigations entirely on those on this estate but not the neighboring ones? Including a neighbor who visited the night before your brother’s death and could have easily planted something on Sebastian’s saddle?” No longer able to hold back her sarcasm, Lily let it drip from her tone.

The men looked at each other. Rex looked concerned while the others did not.

“Mitchell would have told us if Warwick was a traitor,” Nathan said in the most placating manner she’d ever heard.

“Mitchell, the same Mitchell who Rex kicked out of the Society of Sin for trying to rape a maid?” Mary asked, moving to her husband’s side.

“I wish I could have done more,” Rex muttered, curving his arm around Mary’s waist. “The man is a reprobate, and I still do not understand why Elijah trusts him.”

“He has served my father for over a decade,” Elijah argued, shooting a look at Rex that indicated he did not appreciate his commentary on Mitchell’s character or Elijah’s decisions.

To Lily’s eyes, Rex was the only man in the room showing any sense.

“Who knows what else he has been getting up to while he did?” Josie stepped up beside Lily, crossing her arms over her chest and giving her husband a significant look. “You said the reason you use him is he gets into places others cannot, that those who do not trust easily will trust him because they feel he is one of them. Have you thought about why that is?”

“Because he’s not a lord, not connected to any of our families. He’s a working gentleman, not part of the aristocracy,” Elijah said explained.

“Or possibly, he is himself involved in unsavory activities,” Lily pointed out in exasperation. “He knowseverythingyou have been doing, every move you make against the traitor, all the knowledge you have gathered about him. It would explain why the traitor is always one step ahead of you—because you have involved him in his own investigation!”

“Why do you not think it is Warwick?” Captain Browne asked, joining the conversation for the first time. He was still looking out the window, but at least he was asking questions instead of rejecting the idea outright. “Why does it have to be Mitchell?”

“It is possible, but I think Mitchell is the more likely suspect unless he is reporting everything back to Warwick, who then masterminds the plans.” Mary tapped her chin thoughtfully. “But honestly, from what I have seen of Warwick, I do have trouble imagining that. He is a hedonist and lazy except when it comes to sadism. That seems to be the only place he has any interest in expending his energy.”

“Or it is neither of them, and you are seeing connections that do not exist,” Elijah snapped, getting to his feet. “One visit versus years of service… there is no evidence.”

“Well, Warwick is coming to the viewing today,” Lily said, raising her chin. “If Mitchell attends with him, I think it best we ask him some questions.”

“If you trust his answers,” Mary added, making a face. Beside her, Rex nodded.

Elijah shot another look at the pair, glaring, before turning back to Lily and Josie.

“There is no reason not to trust the man.”

“Ah, so you will have no problem if I am the one to question him, alone, with no one else in the room?” Josie asked archly.

“That is not the trust I mean, and you know it!” Elijah thundered.