Unlike when she begged him, there was no change in pace, no increase in intensity from the machine. The constancy of the thrusting was as maddening as it was pleasurable.

One of Nathan’s hands moved away from her breast, down to her mound, and pressed against her clit, just above the leather dildo pushing between her pussy lips. The tiny nub was slick and swollen, aching to be touched, and when his fingers finally made contact, her reaction was explosive.

Ecstasy burst, spiraling from her core through her body and her limbs. She cried out, unable to contain the sensations, yet that did not release them enough. The machine kept thrusting and pumping, stimulating her sensitive walls while her body jerked and clenched, and Lily’s cries continued as her pleasure was pushed higher and higher.

This was notla petite mort—this was mind-altering erotic bliss on a level she had not known was achievable.

Nathan’s mouth, his fingers, and the machine melded together into an impossibly pleasurable cacophony, leaving her breathless, blind, and deaf to everything else around her. The restraints were all that kept her from willfully ripping herself away from the excessive amount of stimulation, the overabundance of ecstasy.

“Please!”She screamed the word as another wave of rapture wracked her overextended nerves. The machine could not hear her, though, and Nathan’s wicked mouth and fingers were not stopping.“Please!”

* * *


Wringing three orgasms from his wife was as much as Nathan could handle, and he was sure she was coming close to her limit as well. Releasing her breasts, he moved to the machine and opened the valve, which would release the steam out the back. Pulling it away from her, the wheels creaked as the whole apparatus moved back, leaving her splayed and open on the table.

Between her creamy thighs, her pussy was dark red and glossy, and a small pool of orgasmic juices coated the table beneath her. The entrance to her body gaped now that the dildo had been removed, as though it had burrowed a hole fitted especially for him.

Lily’s eyelashes fluttered as Nathan undid the front of his pants, climbing onto the table and kneeling between her thighs. His cock was rock hard, and he knew he would not last long, which was for the best, considering how worn out she was after the extreme pleasure.

“Nathan?” The whispered question skated over his skin.

“I’m here,” he said, pressing his cock to her hot, wet sheathe. She moaned as he thrust in, her hips automatically lifting to meet his, as much as she could within the confines of the leather strapping her down, then gasped when he slammed home, his body rubbing against her clit and lips.

“Nathan!” The different tenor of her cry was all he needed.

Two more hard thrusts, then he held himself inside her, groaning with relief as his passion poured into her. Beneath him, Lily shuddered, clenching with the aftershocks of her ecstasy as they rocked together in heated bliss.



This time, Lily did not wake up sore and alone in her bed. She woke up sore and alone in her husband’s bed. It was a minor improvement. Why the change in bed made a difference, she could not quite put her finger on, seeing as she was still alone—and sorer than ever, especially between her legs.

Laying on her back, legs slightly spread apart to keep her thighs from pressing on the tender flesh between them, she stared at the ceiling, wondering why her husband had moved them to his bed, then deserted her before she woke.

On the other hand, are you in any condition to receive his amorous attentions right now?

Reaching between her legs, she gingerly touched her abused pussy and winced. No… no, she was not. On the other hand, her friends had talked about things they could do with their mouths, and Lily had always been the curious type.

Oh, well. Sighing, Lily stood as she accepted the necessity of sneaking back to her own room and ringing for her maid. She purloined one of Nathan’s robes from his wardrobe. If he was going to leave her in his room with no clothes, he could sacrifice some of his garments for the sake of her modesty.

Properly dressed, in her most comfortable underthings to help protect her skin, which still felt exquisitely sensitive, and wearing an eminently appropriate mourning dress that made her look far more respectable than she felt, Lily left her room and hurried downstairs. She needed to find out where everyone was and what they were doing—especially her husband. There would be a great deal of things to do today as they prepared for the viewing this afternoon and the funeral tomorrow.

Reaching the top of the stairs, Lily smiled as she saw Mary and Josie coming down the opposite hall. At least she was not too far behind her friends. Pausing to wait for them, she realized being on their own likely meant all the husbands were up and about trying to do as much as possible without feminine interference.

“Look at us, the abandoned wives club,” she joked as they approached. Josie scowled at her.

“You will not think it is so funny when Nathan gets in the habit of leaving you out,” she warned. Lily snorted, turning to walk down the stairs with Mary between them. She was well aware of the pretty picture they made, no matter that they were all wearing dresses appropriate for a viewing and not a London ballroom.

Mary was the most petite of the three, while Lily and Josie were about the same height. With Josie’s blonde ringlets, Mary’s auburn locks, and Lily’s darker curls, the three of them were really quite striking in their contrasts.

“Nathan has not shown any interest in involving me in his investigations, so it is nothing new,” Lily replied.

“You are going to tolerate that?”

“Of course not, but I have my own duties to attend to first. If he wants to get up early and ferret out information, so be it.” Lily lifted her chin, linking her arm through Mary’s when they reached the bottom of the steps. “He will learn.”