“Leave my maid unharmed, and I will go with you willingly,” she said, doing her best to cover her fear. “If you harm her in any manner, I will fight you ‘til my last breath. And I can make myself into a veritable nuisance if I wish. It will be much easier for you if I cooperate.”

The highwayman considered her words for a long moment before finally nodding.

“No, miss, you cannot!” Chastity’s hands clutched at Lily’s shoulders as she moved away. “Who knows what he will do to you?”

“Hush. I am sure it will be fine.” Lily was hardly sure, but she needed to reassure her maid. She did not want the highwayman to become impatient and decide killing Chastity was worth Lily’s ire. “You know my family will pay whatever it is he requires.”

Another flicker in the man’s expression and she wished so much of his face was not covered. On the other hand, it was likely good because if she could see his whole face, she would be able to recognize him. Clearly, he wanted her alive, at least for now, which was more than could be said for Chastity. A ransom effort was the only thing that made sense. Truthfully, she would not have thought herself a likely candidate for such a thing, but her godparents were a duke and a duchess. Somehow, this man must have discovered that fact.

Lily knew she was far more able to defend herself than her maid was. Becoming friends with Evie had made sure of that. Each one of their little group of friends could defend themselves somewhat, and Lily had been the best at boxing. If she could get within hands’ reach of the highwayman… but she would not risk it with Chastity there.

She looked over her shoulder at her maid.

“Stay here, wait for help,” she said softly, but not soft enough.

The highwayman snorted his derision at her statement but said nothing as Lily turned and moved toward him. He backed up, keeping the gun trained on her until Chastity was in view, then lifted it. Lily’s heart stuttered.

“Keep moving,” he ordered, pointing to his horse with his free hand.

Biting her lip, Lily did as he said and nearly cried out with relief when he finally stepped away from the carriage without harming Chastity.

As he approached, she wondered if this might be her chance, but he stayed well back, pointing his gun at her. His eyes darted this way and that, and she realized he must be worried about passersby. It was fairly early in the morning, but eventually, this would be a busy road.

“Up on the horse,” he ordered.

Another young lady might protest at being forced to mount without a block, but Lily did not dare, not with Chastity’s life still in danger. If she could not, that would be one thing, but she knew very well that she would have no difficulty, especially in the traveling gown she was wearing, with its orderly skirts. Pressing her lips together, she got herself up in the saddle, though it was hardly comfortable since it was not a side-saddle.

If not for Chastity, she would have taken off on the horse, but she could not leave her maid to such a fate. She would bide her time and wait for her chance.

The highwayman sprung up behind her, wrapped one arm around her waist, and grabbed the reins. She stiffened, her back arching away from him, his touch repulsing her, and realized too late he’d put the gun away. With the horse lurching forward into motion, she did not dare try to knock him off—her position was far more precarious than his, and they were still too close to the carriage and Chastity.

Patience. Be patient. Be brave. You can do this.

Her friend Evie, who had taught her how to box, had been through far worse. Lily lifted her chin as the horse thundered along the road, taking her farther and farther away from the carriage and Chastity. When the chance came, she would not hesitate.

* * *


As he exited Camden House, Nathan hurried to Merlin’s side. Damn. The stallion was fretting, dancing slightly, and very unhappy to have been hitched to the fence instead of properly stabled, but he did not have time.

“Jones!” The familiar sound of Anthony Browne’s voice calling out his name allowed Nathan to relax. His friend was on the other side of the fence, seated on his own horse. Nathan’s relief was short-lived as he caught the expression on his friend and fellow spy’s face. “What is going on?”

“Assassination attempts this morning on myself and Camden. He’s still alive.” Nathan’s jaw clenched. He could not even bring himself to say the words because the scene in the study had been dire.


Coming in through the gate, Anthony put his horse far enough from Merlin so the two stallions would not bother each other, and they went back into the house. This time, Nathan took the time to pause and check on Cooper. The man was dead, shot through the chest. Closing his eyes for a moment, Nathan said a short prayer. The man had been the Camden’s butler for years and was a force in his own right. He would be missed. There was nothing they could do for him, though, so they moved on to the study.

There was a new arrival, another young woman, though this one dressed in servant garb. Her black hair was pulled back and mostly hidden away by a brown scarf tied around her head. Josie was holding her, the two of them crying soundlessly as they watched Elijah check the padded fabric against his father’s wound. The clammy color of the Marquess’ skin promised little hope, but he was still breathing. The other body had already been removed, and Nathan winced inwardly. Whoever it was must be dead.

“Bloody hell,” Anthony said in a tone Nathan had never heard him use before, but when Nathan turned to look at him, his attention was directed at the servant, not at the Marquess. “You! What are you doing here?”

The servant straightened, glaring at him. Her eyes were a brilliant green, and her expression was not at all subservient.

“Leave my cousin alone, Anthony,” Elijah said sharply, causing Anthony to stagger back. Nathan glanced at his friend. Elijah’s focus was on his father, so Nathan did not know if Elijah knew how pale Anthony’s face had just become. That servant was Evie Stuart? Somehow, Anthony clearly recognized her, and not just from her portrait on the wall, which showed a much younger girl. “What do you two need?”

“I came here because someone tried to shoot me in Hyde Park,” Nathan said immediately. “I was hoping one of you could return there with me to look for anything the shooter might have left behind.”