The pain was indistinguishable from the pleasure.

Writhing, Lily wanted nothing more than to thrust her hand between her thighs and rub herself to completion, but Nathan’s big body was in her way. He felt so good where he was, she moved her hips, rubbing against him as best she could. Her sensitive bottom moved against the sheets beneath her, reigniting the sting from her spanking. Even that pain was transmuted, turning into sweet ecstasy that made no sense, yet was undeniable.

She felt utterly wanton, her desire far stronger than she would have ever imagined.

Now she understood her friends’ preoccupation with their new husbands and bedroom activities.

Nathan’s lips pulled away from hers and began to mark a heated path of kisses down her neck.



Keeping control of his own desires was far more difficult than Nathan had expected. He was used to the practiced, appreciative, but ultimately expectant sounds and movements of the ladies who attended the Society of Sin events. His wife, on the other hand, had no such expectations. Everything he did to her, every way he touched her, was completely new, and her reactions were genuinely startled.

It was incredibly easy to observe and mark what she liked best. Subterfuge or flattery for the sake of his ego or for her own purposes were not considerations.

Having never been with an inexperienced woman, much less a woman with no experience, Nathan was finding it remarkably educational and enjoyable. Every touch elicited a gasp. A caress was met with a moan. And a pinch with a small cry.

When he began kissing down her neck, his hands pushing her chemise up to bare her body to him, Lily whimpered, arching her back and thrusting her breasts into his hands. His cock was aching behind the placket of his pants, but he did not dare undress, not until she was ready for him. He was already struggling to keep the slower pace he felt was necessary for a virgin.

Especially since he wanted her to thoroughly enjoy the activity and be enthusiastically in favor of engaging in it on a regular basis.

Nathan had not given it much thought until now, but the idea of having a wife and a mistress did not sit well with him. The thought of Lily being one of those women in the Society who dallied with men other than their husbands sat even less well.

He’d seen how successful Elijah and Josie’s marriage was, and even the leader of the Society of Sin, Rex, had settled down happily into marriage with his wife. Nathan wanted the same, even if he had not chosen this marriage or this wife. Now that he had her, he wanted the relationship his friends had.

Which meant he wanted a wife who enjoyed being in his bed.

Tonight would be crucial in assuring her future interest.

Leaning on his elbow, Nathan sucked lightly on the sensitive skin between her throat and her shoulder, sliding his hand up over her stomach to cup and massage her bare breast. The chemise had not provided much protection, but he delighted in the feel of her satiny skin against his palm, her tightly ruched nipple so easily pinched between his fingers.

Without his lips against hers to muffle the sounds, her moans and gasps filled the room. She moved beneath him, rubbing against him, and he could feel the wet slick of her covering the front of his trousers with her arousal, making his cock throb as it ached to plunge into her heated embrace.

Nathan’s lips moved farther south, along with his body, so he could kiss her breasts, taking one budded nipple between his lips and sucking hard. Lily cried out and arched beneath him, her hands sliding into his hair and gripping as if she didn’t know whether to pull him away or clasp him closer.

As his mouth went to work, one hand still on her breast, the other moved between her thighs to her hot, wet folds.

* * *


If Nathan’s lips on her neck had been breathtaking, feeling them on her breast, the hot suction of his mouth closing around her nipple was devastating. Her senses reeled from the glorious sensation, and her pulse pounded so loudly, she could hear her heart racing, driving her utterly wild.

When fingers delved between her legs, touching and stroking her so intimately, so pleasurably, she thought she might actually die.

La petite mort.

The little death. That was what the French called a climax, but the ones Lily had given herself had not made her think it entirely apt.

Now…now, she understood at last.

Nathan’s fingers moved through her soft folds, touching the little nub at the apex of her womanhood that ached and pulsed. Having his hands on her was exquisitely intoxicating, and she was dizzy with the sensations. Every part of her body was throbbing, pulsing with need.

His mouth moved on her breast, abandoning one nipple and seeking the other, leaving the first cool and wet while heat and suction pulled at the second. Lily cried out as his finger pushed inside her. Though she had touched her insides before, she had not found it to be particularly enticing and had not explored much.

Now that it was Nathan touching her there, his finger rudely pushing in and invading her, it felt entirely different. It felt like a claiming, as though he was planting his stake in her body. The finger pushed deeper, moving back and forth easily in her arousal, stroking her insides, while the heel of his hand pressed against her exquisitely sensitive clitoris, rubbing it even as he stroked her from within. The combination made her inner muscles clamp down, her body quivering from the stimulation.