

Was this what love felt like?

Wanting to be with Nathan with her whole being, wanting to know everything about him and tell him everything in return?

After all the excitement of the week, doing nothing more than talking in the drawing-room might have seemed boring to some, but not to her. Not when the person she’d been talking to had been Nathan.

Now, she wanted nothing more than to be with him tonight—except a little… differently than before.

There was something her friends had done and spoken about, she had not understood. Something she could not believe they enjoyed. Yet now, with her curiosity surging, she realized she wanted it, too. She had taken Nathan in her mouth last night, partly from curiosity, partly from wanting to comfort him.

Tonight, she wanted to give him the last part of her.

They moved toward the bed, slowly removing articles of clothing as they went. Lily was gathering her courage to tell Nathan what she wanted. Would he want it, too? From everything Josie and Mary said, there was no reason to think he would not.

When he broke their kiss to pull her chemise over her head, she took advantage of the moment.

“Nathan?” There was a quaver in her voice.

He blinked as he dropped the chemise to the floor, an expression of concern on his face. His eyes slid over her naked body as if taking note of every inch, from her breasts with the faded love bites and hard nipples down to where her thighs were pressed together in arousal.

“Yes, love?”

Lily thrilled at the new endearment. Her heart beat faster, and a hot rush of warmth flooded through her. She flushed with pleasure.

“My friends, Josie and Mary… they told me about something they do with… with their husbands… I want to try with you…. if you like.” It was very difficult to get the words out. Nathan had taken charge of their lovemaking from the beginning, and she had been happy to let him.

Loved having him take the lead.

Asking for what she wanted rather than giving him what he wanted was far more difficult than it should be. Especially because what she wanted to ask for was so perversely indecent.

“What is it?” The interest in his eyes was undeniable. He was curious.

Blushing hotly, Lily stroked her finger down the center of his chest, looking at the tip as it moved through the curls adorning his muscles rather than looking him in the eyes as she finally made herself say it.

“They say they have… um, well, they have taken… they have done things with their husbands in their bottoms.” Her voice dropped lower and lower until she ended in a mere whisper.

Staring directly at Nathan’s chest, touching him there, she could see and feel the sudden tension that gripped his body. The press of his cock against her soft stomach became stiffer, more intent. Lily shivered as his fingers tightened on her.

“You would like to try that?” His voice was husky, and she could tell he very much wanted to. “Did they tell you it might hurt?” He did not sound put off by the idea, and the way he said it sent another flush of heat through her.

Lily liked it when things hurt a little. She had already discovered that much about herself. It made her even more curious to have him in her bottom, though it was not only curiosity driving her. It was wanting to share everything with him. The excitement of engaging in such a forbidden act, of knowing everything her friends knew, was only a bonus.

“Yes, I want to… with you. I want you to have all of me.”

No sooner were the words out of her mouth than Nathan took charge again as though her permission had unfettered him. His mouth descended to claim hers anew, his hands holding her tightly against him, and her body thrilled at the domineering way he handled her.

* * *


Bless his wife’s friends.

He had it in his mind that one day he would coax Lily into allowing him to breach her bottom hole but had hardly expected she would be the one to suggest such a thing. That she knew about it at all was a bit of a revelation, despite everything else she and her friends had discussed.

Perhaps it was truly best not to know and to just be grateful for any information shared between them.