The movement of his hips was faster, harder, driving into her with a force that rocked her on her axis. He leaned forward, and her breasts bounced in the space between their bodies, nipples rubbing against his chest and the wiry hair rasping over the sensitive buds. Every time he buried himself inside her, his body rocked against her sensitive lips and clitoris.

She could not tell if there was any pain or if it was all pleasure. Every muscle in her body tightened, pulling taut, as he moved within her. The peak came quickly this time, a fuller, more powerful, more encompassing climax that seemed to start deep within her core and ripple outwards.

Lily screamed with the force of it, unable to bear the intense sensations in silence. Her nails dug into Nathan’s shoulders, and her legs wrapped around the backs of his thighs, clinging to him as though he was her only port in a storm. She tried to hold him as close to her as possible, but he was not done thrusting, each powerful movement sending her soaring higher and higher.

Like Icarus, she was coming too close to the sun, and Nathan was all that kept her from tumbling down into darkness.

The closer she held him, the more his body rasped over her sensitive flesh. When he buried himself inside her for the final time, it drove the breath from her lungs. She could feel every inch of him throbbing within her as hot fluid pulsed and filled her as he shuddered.

When his weight came down atop her, she felt oddly protected beneath him.

Was this what it meant to be married?



Sleeping beside a woman was not something Nathan was accustomed to, and by that token, neither was waking up beside one.

He came awake all at once, his usual way. Nathan had never been slow to wake in the morning, though the feeling of a warm woman curled up in his arms made him wonder if he was still dreaming. Then he remembered yesterday had been his wedding day, and the woman in his arms was his wife.

Also a woman he had recently suspected of assisting a traitor. Not that he still thought she was, at least not knowingly, but he was surprised he had slept so soundly beside her.

She was sleeping soundly as well, not stirring when he extricated himself from around her. Nerves were rising. What did he say to a woman in the morning? It would be easier to withdraw and meet her later once he’d had more time to think.

Sliding out of bed, he made sure to cover her up, noticing with some interest a small red smear on his cock he could not see in the darkness last night. There had been one on the bedding when he’d wiped her down with a damp cloth before she’d pulled him down and curled up against his side.

He’d only intended to stay long enough for her to fall asleep, but he’d ended up sleeping as well.

Returning to his bedroom, he realized he had not missed it. Eyeing the large, four-poster bed, he also realized he would not mind seeing her in his bed. His cock twitched at the mere thought of it, easily rising to the occasion, the way it often did in the mornings.

Last night had been her first night, and his understanding was virgins were tender after such an experience. So rather than returning to her room and waking his new wife the way he wanted to, Nathan rang for his valet and began his morning ablutions.

By the time he headed downstairs to the dining room to break his fast, he could hear movement in Lily’s room, so she would likely be joining him. Anticipation, along with nerves, rose in his breast. He really needed to figure out what to say to her, but what did one say after deflowering a virgin he was now married to?

I hope you enjoyed your evening?

Nathan wished he could ask Elijah.

Walking down the stairs, Nathan’s steps slowed as he heard voices coming from the front room. Voices he recognized, including Elijah’s.

“Captain, you have some visitors.” Connor bustled up to him from the other direction, his expression worried. “I told them it was not an appropriate time to come calling, but—”

“It’s alright, Connor,” Nathan reassured him. Though Connor was used to Nathan not being a stickler for the ton’s social rules, he was clearly worried. Nathan knew Elijah would not have left his uncle’s side and descended on Talbot house the day after Nathan’s wedding if there was not a real need. Whatever had drawn him and the others here, it had to do with the traitor. “Can you have Mrs. Potts set some extra places at the table? I’m sure our guests will be hungry.”

Connor stiffened rather than immediately running to do as he was bidden.

“Do you… will Mrs. Jones…” Connor stumbled over his words, causing Nathan to pause. Right, he had forgotten about Lily for a moment and what her expectations might be.

Oh, well. She might be angry, but Nathan did not think Elijah would blithely interrupt their first morning together without good reason.

“Do we have guests?” Lily’s voice rang out through the foyer from the top of the staircase, and Connor and Nathan looked up.

Wearing a practical gown of lavender and cream, her hair done up in a simple twist, she looked every inch the lady of the house. Knowing what she looked like under the modest day dress was arousing—even though she was well covered—was like knowing a secret no one else did.

“Yes, ma’am, my apologies, but they were very insistent.” Connor was still wringing his hands when Lady Stuart came barreling out of the drawing-room, quickly taking in Nathan and Connor’s presence before turning to look up at Lily.

“Good morning. Sorry to interrupt your first morning as a married couple, but I insisted you would not want to be left out.”