“I did not need to hear that.” Evie nudged Mary with her elbow. “That is my cousin, remember.”

“You are the one who set me to finding out more about the Society,” Mary reminded her, bumping her hip against Evie’s. “It is not my fault Elijah joined. I didn’t want to see him in all his perverted glory.” Lily giggled, but Josie was suddenly ill to her stomach—even knowing about Elijah’s participation, she had not really thought much about it, especially since realizing she would have to marry him.

Would Elijah engage in the Society’s gatherings now that he was married? She could not imagine him taking her to such functions, which would mean he would go alone. Would he still touch other women, spank other women, now that he was married?

Josie did not like that idea at all. Even though she did not have the same feelings for Elijah as she had for Joseph, she realized she wanted some trust, faithfulness between them. What an awful time to have that revelation. It was a little late to discuss such matters with him, wasn’t it?

Sudden knocking at the door made all of them freeze. Evie shrank before their eyes, stepping back against the wall and blending in with her head down and hands folded properly in front of her, like a servant awaiting instruction.

“Mary? Are you in there?” Rex’s deep voice was easily recognizable, though slightly muffled by the door. There was a tightness to his tone.

Evie lifted her head to wave at them, the slight sheen in her eyes the only sign of her emotion. Josie’s heart thudded in her chest. She wished Evie could join them outside but knew Evie thought she was doing the right thing, and Josie believed she was as well.

“We are here,” Mary said, opening the door. “What is wrong?”

The moment he laid eyes on her, Rex’s broad shoulders relaxed.

“I am not sure. Elijah received a note, then sent Joseph running to try to discover the sender and me here to guard the three of you.” He cast his golden gaze over them as if taking stock of their well-being.

Josie’s curiosity was piqued.

“Where is he now?” she asked, stepping past Rex and into the hall. Something about the note must be very important, and she wanted to know what it said.

Chapter 8


Her new husband was standing with his father, youngest brother, and two other men she recognized. Captain Nathan Jones and Captain Anthony Browne had come along to rescue Mary when she had been kidnapped—though their services had ultimately been unnecessary. They were spies for Evie’s Uncle Oliver, though Elijah had told her they were friends of his when she inquired about their presence on the guest list.

“I do not want to put anyone in danger—” Elijah cut off what he was saying as Josie approached, his gaze meeting hers. The emotion bubbling in his dark eyes was more than protective, though she could not put her finger on what else was there. Elijah straightened. “Josie. I will join you as soon as I am done talking to my father.”

Sensing her two friends coming up alongside her, Josie put her hands on her hips. Behind her, she heard Rex’s quiet laugh.

“Or I will join you now. Where is this note?”

The look Elijah cast over her shoulder at Rex was half exasperation and half anger.

“You told them?” he asked Rex, right over her head, as if she did not exist. Josie scowled at him and barely managed to refrain from stomping her foot. Captain Browne watched her warily as if he thought she might throw a tantrum in the middle of her wedding brunch.

“Of course, I told them. I do not make a habit of lying to my wife.”

“Yes, Elijah. Rex does not make a habit of lying to his wife. Is that a habit you intend to embark on?” Josie held out her hand. “I want to see the note.”

“Absolutely not.” Elijah shoved it in his pocket, then turned back to his father. “We need to end the brunch… now.”

“What? No!” Josie, Lily, and Mary protested in unison. “Are you mad? What was in that note?”

“No, I am deadly serious. I need to leave and help Joseph hunt down the delivery boy, then the person who gave him the note.” There was a steeliness to Elijah’s expression she had never seen, but it did not matter. Josie was not about to be abandoned at her wedding brunch. As much as she wanted to know what was in the note that had caused his reaction, she had to prioritize keeping him from running off because of it.

“Absolutely not. What will people think? If you recall, the whole reason for this marriage was about what people would think!” Her voice was a little louder and getting shriller. Lily nudged her in the side and stepped forward, keeping her voice low but urgent.

“Josie is right. You will set off a torrent of gossip if you end the brunch early, especially if you leave Josie’s side immediately. You are already the focus of so much attention. The best thing you can do is behave like a newly married man and let others do this part for you. That is why Captain Jones and Captain Browne are here, is it not?” Even though Josie was standing slightly behind Lily and could not see her expression, she knew Lily had just arched a dismissive brow at Elijah, in the way only she could.

“Exactly. Not only that, but if you hie off, when you return, you will still have to live with me.” Though she said it mildly, Josie was pleased when the men flinched, including Elijah’s father. Yes, she could make Elijah’s life an absolute misery if she put her mind to it—and if he deserted her at their wedding brunch, she most certainly would.

Nodding, Evie’s uncle took charge, sending Browne and Jones after Joseph, who had apparently left to chase after the delivery boy. The rest of them were left to circulate among the guests and keep up appearances, which Josie could tell grated on Elijah. She took a fair amount of joy in his frustration, which made her own emotions easier to deal with.

He had received a threat on his life. A threat!