Personally, Elijah thought they were all rather slow on the uptake. Rex’s reputation had become less deserved over the years. He was still the leader of the Society and wielded a great deal of power within Society, but his exploits had ceased years ago, and his proclivities became decidedly tamer. Elijah had been surprised how little Rex indulged in the Society’s decadences, even before his marriage to little Mary.

“Welcome to the club of married men. You will not be able to get rid of me now.” Rex smiled wickedly, his golden eyes lit with mischief.

“I never wanted to be rid of you,” Elijah protested, though he knew his words were not entirely true. After their school days, he had thrown himself into learning his father’s business and had not had time for his friends, especially scandalous friends like Rex, but he had missed him.

“Well, you will not be able to now, even if you change your mind.” Rex chuckled. “You are a married man, and your wife and my wife are practically joined at the hip.”

“Do not remind me.” Elijah scowled.

He could do with them being a little less joined, considering the scrapes Mary had gotten into recently—disguising herself and risking her reputation by going undercover into the Society, letting a man lure her into a carriage with a false story, and getting herself kidnapped. Clearly, time spent with Josie and Evie had rubbed off on her, rather than the other way round. Josie had better not expect to repeat Mary’s antics. He looked around the room.

“Where are they? They had better not be getting into more mischief.”

“They had to visit the retiring room,” Rex replied easily, amusement lighting his face. “I am sure there is not too much trouble they can get into there.”

Before Elijah could answer, a footman stopped in front of him with a note on a tray.

“This was delivered for you, my lord. The boy who brought it said it was urgent.” As Elijah picked up the note, the footman gave a slight bow before walking away.

“An urgent note of congratulations?” Joseph’s amusement was clear, and Rex chuckled.

Elijah ignored them, opening the crisp, white paper. Dark, bold letters written in a slanted hand jumped out at him, their threatening message clear.

Congratulations Durham. I am sure you think you thwarted me, marrying Miss Pennyworth in your brother’s place.

Enjoy your marriage while it lasts. Do you think your bride will enjoy being a widow more than a wife?

Jerking his head up, he cast his gaze around the room. Those who met his gaze started to smile, then looked away when his expression registered. None of them seemed suspicious.

“Go get that footman,” he ordered Joseph. “Get a description of the boy who delivered this.” It was an incredible long shot but worth trying. This was the first time the traitor had dared to contact him or anyone that he knew of directly. Joseph took off after the footman while Rex stared at him. “Go guard the retiring room. Keep your eye on the ladies. All the ladies. I will send help.”

Realizing the urgency of the situation, Rex hurried away without questioning him. Crumpling the note, Elijah set his jaw and strode across the room toward his father. They would have to end the brunch early to discuss this latest development.


“Do you have a particular fondness for retiring rooms at weddings?” Josie teased when she entered to find Evie as she had expected when Lily and Mary had come to fetch her.

“You are a wretch,” Evie said fondly, coming forward to hug her fiercely. “I cannot believe you are my cousin now.”

“You certainly do not look the part.” Josie wrapped her arms around her friend and squeezed tightly. Evie was dressed as a servant, as she had been at Mary’s wedding. She had applied makeup to her face to obscure her beauty and features even more than usual, and her long, dark hair was tucked up under a scarf. “And I married the wrong cousin.”

“I think you married the right one,” Lily interrupted, and Josie turned to glare at her, breaking apart from Evie. “Oh, do not look at me like that. I know you love Joseph, but he has caused you nothing but heartbreak over the years. Elijah has always looked out for you.” The statement was unnervingly close to what her mother had said.

“She does not look heartbroken today,” Mary chimed in, tilting her head to scrutinize Josie’s expression.

“Why are you all against me today?” Josie scowled. “Of course, I am still heartbroken. But I had some time to adjust my expectations.”

“Ah, yes, three days,” Lily said dryly. “Three days ago, you were crying into your tea.”

“What else am I supposed to do?” Josie was beginning to feel very cross with her friends. So, she was no longer bemoaning her fate or crying into her tea. She’d had all Season to accustom herself to the idea Joseph would marry Miss Bliss, and she would have to marry someone else. “I had the morbs, but now, I am going to make the best of my life. Besides, now that I am married to Elijah, surely I will be able to find out more about what he and Evie’s uncle are keeping from her about the traitor.”

“Do you think Elijah will let you?” Lily was clearly skeptical, pricking Josie’s pride.Lether. Since when had she ever waited for anyone to let her do something? The threat of being spanked by him had taken her aback, but now it felt more like a challenge. He thought he could keep her hemmed in with his threats, did he? Perhaps she might even be like Mary and would enjoy such activities.

Regardless, Josie had promised to help her friend, and she would. Besides, if the traitor was the reason for her being attacked and now married to Elijah, as Evie suspected, she had a personal matter to settle with the blackguard.

“Elijah shall not rule me.” She tossed her head. “I will do as I please, as I have always done.”

“This should end well,” Mary murmured. “You are going to have a very red bottom if you keep that up.”