“You are the only one who can rein her in.” Adam’s grin widened as he mimicked the gesture of pulling on a horses’ reins. The analogy was a little too apt for Elijah’s comfort. He had often thought of Josie as needing to be broken in, the same way a wild mare would. “Joseph would let her run roughshod over him, and I find her antics too amusing to try. She may not realize it, but she is the type who craves control. Someone who will put their foot down when she toes the line—or throw her over his knee.”

“Really?” Elijah repeated dubiously. “Josie? You think Josie Pennyworth is one ofourset?”

By ‘our set,’ he meant those who were members of the Society of Sin, not theton.While the Society’s interests were varied, the vast majority of them enjoyed pleasure play that included pain, domination, and submission. There were a few feisty women among those who liked to give up control to another, but Elijah had not paid much attention to them. He had always considered them too much work, preferring the women who eagerly got on their knees and offered up their submission as a gift.

“Not only that, I think she will be good for you. You need a challenge.”

This time it was Elijah’s turn to snort. Josie, good for him? Hardly. Though he could not deny she would be a challenge. The idea of introducing her to the Society’s activities… well. She was a debutante, a virgin who had nearly been ravished earlier this week. The Society was not for her. Besides, it would be far too dangerous. Despite Collins’ apprehension, it was always possible there was another traitor within the Society.

The connection between the Society and Collins’ traitorous activities had been why Elijah had joined its ranks in the first place. No, it would be best to keep Josie far, far away from the Society for multiple reasons. No matter what Adam thought.


The white-and-silver froth of her wedding gown did not reflect her emotions. The fabric should be black, denoting the death of her hopes and dreams.

Run. I should run. Far, far away.

Except she had nowhere to go. No way to earn a living. Perhaps if she disguised herself as a boy, the way Evie did, she could help with horses somewhere… but the moment she was discovered to be female, she would be turned out. Or worse.

You are doing this for Joseph.

Yes, yes. Marrying Joseph’s brother to save Joseph. Josie smoothed her hands over her skirt, her heart breaking at the irony. It had been three days, yet she had not reconciled herself to the idea. Nor did she know what to say to Elijah, though she felt she should say something. An apology.

How did one offer a proper apology for accidentally trapping a man into marriage? Especially when she was in love with his brother.

“Oh, you look perfect, darling.” Mother fussed over the tendrils of hair hanging down from Josie’s elaborate coiffure. “Every inch a Marchioness. My father would be so pleased.” Tears filled her eyes. Though they had eventually reconciled, Grandfather, a Marquess himself, had been incensed when Mother married Josie’s father, a mere squire.

Josie remembered him as a doting, loving grandfather who had always been a bit awkward with her own father, but she also knew the story. It had been her birth that had brought her grandfather back into their lives and softened his stance. Today, he would have been proud to see her married to a future Marquess, though the circumstances leading to the marriage would have likely given him heart palpitations.

“And you and Papa?” Josie asked ruefully.

“Oh, we are very pleased, too.” Mother stepped back to admire her handiwork. “We always thought it would be lovely if you married Elijah.”

“You thought I would marryElijah?” Staring, Josie felt her eyes bulge. Josie had thought the entirety of Derbyshire knew of her feelings for Joseph, including her parents.

“Oh yes, dear. The two of you always had such a connection. You following him around, him pulling you out of scrapes. Perhaps we should not have been surprised at how today came about, considering your history.” Mother smiled happily, turning to pick up her fan, not seeming to realize she was causing Josie all sorts of consternation. She had been following Joseph.

Well, sometimes, she had followed Elijah, but only because he had been such a prig, and she had been trying to loosen him up. Hehadmade a pastime of pulling her and Evie out of various scrapes, which was impossible to deny.

But a connection? Between her and Elijah?

Animosity perhaps. Frustration, certainly. They had always clashed, not connected. But if it made her mother happy to think so, Josie did not have it in her heart to disillusion her.

There was a knock on the door, and one of the maids peeked her head in.

“Excuse me, my lady, miss. Lady Hartford and Miss Davis are here.”

“Oh, good.” Josie turned from the mirror, only to be stopped by a gesture from her mother. Her brow furrowed in confusion. She wanted to go see her friends.

“Send them up in a few minutes,” Mother said, sitting on the chaise. The maid nodded and closed the door. Putting her hands on her hips, Josie frowned at her mother, who ignored her expression. “Now, dear, we need to talk about tonight,”

“Tonight?” Josie wracked her brain for what her mother could be referring to. Why did they need to talk about tonight?

“Yes, darling. Tonight, you will no longer be in our home.” Mother sniffled but controlled her reaction, only a little teary-eyed. “And Elijah will have certain… expectations of his wife.”

Oh.Oh. Josie’s cheeks heated. She knew exactly what expectations her mother was talking about, but she could not tell her mother that she knew. Then she would have to explain Evie was not the virginal young lady everyone thought. Evie had already explained to her, Josie, Lily, and Mary, both the act and how to make it pleasurable. Anything Evie had not told them, Mary had— Oh!

“Mary has already explained… everything,” Josie said hastily. It felt like her cheeks were on fire from the force of her blush.