My hand settles on her stomach. “This is going to be amazing,” I assure her. “I bet the baby will love the moose as much as you do.”

Mari’s grin widens. “I do love moose! Do you think we can get a house near the woods so that maybe we can see moose wandering into the yard sometimes? And other wild animals?”

“Of course!” I say. “We can start looking immediately.”

“When do you want to leave?”

I tell her my January plan.

“Oh my God, that’s so soon! I need to call my parents so they can take time off work. I’m not moving anywhere without their help.”

“Go call them!”

Mari kisses us both again and runs off to the dining room to talk to her parents. Though she was hesitant earlier, she seems excited now. I’m thrilled. I want nothing more than to start a new life with Mark and Mari. Now, it’s finally going to happen.

Mark puts an arm around my waist and leans against my side.

“Today was an adventure. We really know how to pile it all on at once, don’t we?”

I chuckle. “I was just thinking we should’ve waited to ask Mari about Alaska. I was scared she might say no.”

“Me, too. I would’ve stayed in New York if that was what she wanted, but Alaska will be better for all of us. I just know it.”

I pull out my phone and open up a realtor app. I’d downloaded it right after we left Alaska. Looking at houses there was just a pipe dream then. Now, it’s a reality.

“Let’s go to the living room and search for our new house.”

Mark and I settle onto the couch and scroll through the options. We aren’t worried about the price. We just want to make sure we’re close enough to the university that Mari can go back to school, but far enough away that we’re still out in nature.

When Mari returns, we have three perfect options for her to choose from.

“My parents are taking the first two weeks of January off so they can help us move!” she announces excitedly. “And Jessica is going to come, too. I haven’t asked her yet, but I know she will. I’ll talk to her after the rally is over.”

“Perfect! Now, pick your new house.”

Mari squeezes between Mark and me on the couch and looks at the three houses.

She pauses at the second one.

“This is it! It’s perfect!”

The one Mari likes is our favorite, too. It’s a two-story log cabin with five bedrooms, three bathrooms, a state-of-the-art kitchen, a den, and a living room.

“I think the den would make the perfect playroom, don’t you?”

“That’s what I was thinking!” Mari says. “The baby will love it. And the in-law cabin is perfect for visitors.”

That was another reason Mark and I chose this house. There’s another cabin on the property with two more bedrooms, a full kitchen, a dining room, and a living room. Mari’s parents will be able to come whenever they want and stay comfortably for as long as they want. I have a feeling they’ll want to spend a few months with us when the baby is born.

“So, is this it? Are we buying this house?” Mari asks.

“I’ll call the realtor on Monday and get the ball rolling. I’ll offer more than the asking price if I need to. This house will be ours.”

Mari squeals again. “I’m so happy right now! Today started off really stressful, but it’s ending so well. I can’t wait to move to Alaska and start our family. I love you, Mark and John.”

“I love you, too, Mari,” Mark says. I echo the sentiment.

Just a couple of months ago, Mark and I were searching for the perfect person to join our relationship. Mari came to us out of nowhere, and although our journey hasn’t been easy, I wouldn’t have it any other way.



Two years later.

The stream gurgles beside us as we have a nice picnic. This park near our house is our favorite place to take baby Alexis. It’s secluded and beautiful. It reminds me of the woods near the hotel where we got lost.

Alexis sits on the blanket and stares up at her daddies with her gorgeous blue eyes. She inherited those and her unruly dark hair from her fathers.

We still don’t know whether Mark or John is Alexis’ biological father, and we may never know. We’ll leave that decision up to her when she’s older. For now, she looks up to both of them. At a little over a year, she has started to form words, and “dada” was among the first. She uses it for both Mark and John.

I walk over to them and hand Mark a bottle. He scoops Alexis up into his arms and feeds her.

“We’re so lucky,” John comments, watching as Mark beams at our child. “She’s so well behaved.”