I’d much rather the attention be there than on me.



Jessica kept her word. Over the last two weeks, she has worked tirelessly to make this rally happen.

I’ll admit, I was a bit hesitant when Mari first mentioned the rally to me. This drama with the administration is bad enough. I don’t want the entire school becoming a part of it.

Now that I see what Jessica has pulled off, though, I’m glad I agreed to be a part of it.

It’s nice to get the word out. I feel like no one really knows what MMF and FFM relationships are like. People are familiar with threesomes, but that’s not the same. A threesome is usually a one-time experience. MMF and FFM relationships are long-term.

I can’t believe how many people have shown up to this rally. There are already hundreds, and it hasn’t even officially started yet. The flyers Jessica hung around school said it would begin at ten. We’ve got fifteen minutes still. This is fantastic!

How many of these people are in MMF relationships but don’t know how to exist publicly? I know what that’s like. Even if we weren’t dealing with school rules, John, Mari, and I would have to keep our relationship on the down low. Unfortunately, there are a lot of awful people in the world who would judge us. They might even take things further and try to get physical.

I’d never forgive myself if something happened to Mari because of the type of relationship she chooses to have.

Agreeing to the rally was the best thing I could’ve done. Not only does it spread awareness, but it will hopefully help closeted students feel okay with opening up about their relationships. Honestly, seeing all of these people has inspired me. I don’t have as much anxiety about walking down the street holding hands with both Mari and John now.

A former student of mine comes up and shakes my hand.

“I had no idea you were interested in the cause, Mr. Kingham! Thank you for your support.”

“I’m not just interested,” I manage to say. “I’m a part of it.”

His eyes widen. “Wait, seriously? I had no idea! Wow, that’s…surprising. And amazing. I’m glad you’re here.”

“I am, too. Thanks.”

The student heads off to find more familiar faces, which is exactly what I need to do. John, Mari, and I agreed on a meeting place near a statue on campus. At the time, it had seemed like a good idea. None of us had known how many people would be at the rally. It has been a struggle getting through the crowds.

I run into a few more people I recognize. Some I already knew were gay or bisexual, but others are unexpected. They could be allies, here for support, or they could be a part of the community. I would ask, but I know that’s not always an appropriate query. Some people are less comfortable discussing their sexuality. I don’t always like to be asked. It’s a safety thing and a personal anxiety thing.

I finally make it to the rendezvous point. Mari and John are already there.

“Mark!” Mari squeals. She runs over and gives me a hug. “You made it! I was getting worried.”

“Sorry. Crazy crowd!”

Mari grins. “I know! Isn’t it great?”

“It is. I’ll have to congratulate Jessica on a job well done.”

“You’re in luck! We’re heading over there to talk to her now.”

I look in the direction Mari is pointing. More people are joining the rally – whether out of support or curiosity, I’m not sure. There’s no clear path to wherever Jessica is.

“We should get going now before we’re trapped here.”

I’m uneasy being by the statue. We’re in the center of the rally here. If anything were to happen, we’d be stuck. I’d much rather be on the outskirts somewhere. I hope that’s where Jessica is.

John pulls me in for a quick hug before we head toward Jessica.

“Glad you made it,” he jokes. “I should’ve warned you about the crowd.”

“How long have you been here?”

“I only got here about five minutes before you.”

I laugh. “Good, I’m glad it wasn’t just me who was late.”

“Guys, come on!” Mari urges. She’s already pushing through the crowd. She’s small, and we’ll lose sight of her if we don’t follow. I grab her hand, and John grabs mine. As a chain, we make our way out of the center of the rally.

“Mari!” a woman’s voice yells. “Over here!”

We follow the voice and end up in an opening on the edge of the growing rally. There, Jessica has a table set up with the letters of a fraternity. I think it’s Mu Mu Phi, the frat Mari told us about. I still can’t believe there’s an entire bisexual fraternity on campus. Considering how the administration has treated us, they must not know about MMF.

“Jessica! I want to formally introduce you to my boyfriends, John and Mark.”