“Mr. Kingham? Damn, he’s hot as fuck, too. I’m so jealous you got to be alone in a room with both of them.”

“It’s not just that. I kind of…”

Jessica puts a hand on my arm. “You’re worrying me. What happened?”

“I hooked up with them.”

I spit the words out as quickly as I can, hoping Jessica might not catch them and drop the subject. Unfortunately, she’s great at understanding me.

“You did WHAT?!?”

“Well, not really hooked up. But, well, they ate my pussy and my ass…”

Jessica jumps up from the bed. “Oh my God! You scandalous girl! I’m so proud of you!”

She holds out her hand for a high five. I slap my palm against hers tentatively.

“You don’t think this is totally insane?”

“Insane? Please, I think it’s fantastic! You’re jumping out of your comfort zone. Plus, they’re both insanely hot!”

Jessica squeals and jumps up and down, chanting that I’ve got myself two boyfriends.

A normal person would be horrified by this turn of events. If I told any of our other friends, they’d probably disown me. I should have known Jessica would think it’s fabulous.

Once again, I’m reminded how lucky I am to have Jessica in my life. She’s supportive of all my decisions, even the ones that seem crazy.

“So, are you going to see them again?” she asks.

“I saw them again yesterday.”

Jessica gasps. “Did you hook up again?”

“No, no. We just talked. They told me something about them that I can’t share because it’s personal. But basically, the gist is that they want me to join them. In bed.”

Jessica squeals again. “Oh my God! I’m so jealous. You would get two hot guys asking you to sleep with them! This is fantastic. You’re living every girl’s fantasy!”

“It has never been my fantasy,” I admit.

“Are you having doubts?”

“Not even a little bit.”

She grins. “That’s my girl. I mean it when I say I’m proud of you. This is a breakthrough!”

It does feel like a breakthrough. At the very least, I’m doing what I’m supposed to do in college. They say college students should experiment and try new things. Being with two guys at once is certainly new and experimental.

“I’m glad you’re on my side,” I say. “But Jess, you can’t tell anyone about this, okay? Professor Boynton and Mr. Kingham could get in serious trouble if anyone finds out.”

She pretends to zip her lips. “You know your secret is safe with me. Besides, I like the professor and Mr. Kingham too much to risk them getting fired.”

I sigh, relieved. I have to trust that Jessica will keep my secret. After all, that’s what best friends are for.

“I won’t spill the beans – even if they break your heart. But I will kick their asses if they do. I want that on the record.”

I laugh. “I’ll approve that. Thanks for always having my back.”

“I love you, girl. You’d do the same for me.”

Jessica bends down and gives me an awkward hug. When she straightens again, she goes back to dancing around our small room in excitement.

“Of course I would.”

“I know. In fact, you have. It’s about time I’m able to return the favor. And hey, you won’t have to worry about getting a B on any more papers. You’ll definitely get A’s from now on!”

I sit up perfectly straight. Wait, what is Jessica talking about? She doesn’t think I’m doing this for a grade, does she?

Then again, she’d implied this when I’d first brought up the paper. Jessica had said that if I got in good with the professor, then I’d get better grades. Professor Boynton had basically confirmed that there was truth to this statement when I talked with him in his office.

My heart is racing. Do John and Mark think I’m trying to get good grades by being in a sexual relationship with them?

I feel disgusted. That is not something I would do!

My phone is sitting next to me on my bed. I pick it up and scroll to John’s personal number. He gave it to me yesterday so that we can be in touch with each other outside of school emails and phones. Mark gave me his number, too.

I’m tempted to call them both and tell them I changed my mind. I don’t want a relationship if it means I’m going to be treated differently in class.

Have I been treated differently so far? It was kind of awkward at first, but I don’t think they’re favoring me at all. They’re treating me exactly the way they did before we started this arrangement.

However, we’ve barely started. Will the dynamic change when we have sex? Or if we go on dates?

My mind is spiraling out of control. I didn’t sign up for this! I thought I was going to have fun with two amazing guys. Good grades (at least ones I didn’t earn) weren’t part of the deal.