Just Eli.

Just a life with my bar-owning faery and my weird friends.

Just the contentment I’d felt the past few months.

I wasn’t sure how to reach that, though, and the weight of figuring it out was overwhelming tonight.

When I stepped out of the shower, I brusquely toweled off and walked into the bedroom where Eli had apparently lit a dozen candles around the room. He looked at the bed, and I didn’t bother with words. I dropped my towel and walked past him to the bed.


I opened my arms, knowing that restraints would follow.


Again, I obeyed.

There were plenty of times I played at resisting his commands in order to make him more forceful, but tonight, I simply wanted to enjoy being taken care of. So, I watched him stare at me, as if I were a feast for his enjoyment. Honestly, that was all it took for my body to be ready.

“Touch me. Kiss me. Love me,” I ask-begged.

“Always.” At a word in his language, the room became completely dark. I could see nothing. My inhalation was sharp as I felt his fingers trail over me.

His mouth followed after his hands.

“More,” I whispered.

And my husband laughed. “What happened to ‘yes, sir’?”

“Please, sir.Please. . .”

The room was completed dark and silent but for my whimpering.

And then he was touching me, mouth between my legs and fingers inside my body. I lost count of everything and could only gasp and say, “yes, sir, please, sir,yes.”

By the time he was convinced I was boneless, he was over me, sliding into me with enough force that I knew no human could endure his lovemaking without injury.

I was not entirely human, though. We were made to be together. Of that, I was certain.

Afterwards, I could barely move. All the stress and fears of the last few days had been chased away by Eli’s love and touches. That was exactly what I’d needed: being taken care of until no thoughts but him remained.

I snuggled against his chest, folded into his embrace face-to-face since we were both on our sides, and said, “I can rest now.”

He looked smug at that, but honestly, heshouldbe smug. The problem with my strength was that, as I’d learned before him, most people couldn’t give me what I needed. Eli knew me as well as I knew him, and together, we were magic. Not just the literal sort of magic, although we had that too. We were the sort of magic that every person dreamed of finding: perfectly matched.

I drifted to sleep like that, curled against him, nestled in the shelter of his arms.

Our room was a veritable fortress.Our home was fae ground. And we were together. It was enough to make me think we were safe.

I should’ve known better.

I woke not long enough afterwards to the sound of a far-too-familiar male voice roaring “Where are they?”

The door to our room rattled like a monster was ripping it asunder.

“That badger bonking baboon needs to learn a few manners,” I muttered as I crawled out of Eli’s embrace.

I snatched up a sword and marched toward the door.