I swallowed. There was alotof purple.

“Look at the map,” Iggy rasped. “Hold it.Holdit.”

The map was only about three blocks in every direction, but the details were crisper than usual. Green flecks moved on several places, and I knew without words that those were dead folk. “Only four.”


I stared at the map that was overlaid on the street, and I saw Iggy. “You. Three of them.”

“Three?” he prompted. “Alldraugr?”

“I think . . .”

“How old, Geneviève? Just like the blood traces. Look at it.Holdit.” Iggy’s hands were gripping my shoulders now, and his voice was no more than grave dirt in ash.

I strained to see the green in shades. “That one is oldest.”

“Good.” Iggy coughed.

And I opened my eyes to see what looked like a mummified man wearing Iggy’s suit. “Fucksicles! Iggy!”

He leaned against the building, staring back at me with eyes that protruded like he was a desiccated corpse. “Go get them Hexen.”

“What just—”

“Go!” Iggy coughed again, slumping more and grasping at the door. “Explain later.”

“Shit shit shit. Let me get you inside before someone hurts y—”

“Dead already.” He laughed, wheezing and gagging, and then pointed. “Go.”

I opened the door and yelled, “Drag Iggy inside.”

Then since no one was watching, Iflowedtoward the oldest of the dead. The younger ones were more likely to attack, but the older one would have venom.

When I stopped, stumbling a bit in my lingering bit of tipsiness, I looked around, only to find thedraugrfrom the cemetery.

“Daphne, right? Dead. Trying to seduce Beatrice.” I wasn’t going to underestimate her this time. I watched her as I spoke.

And I had to admit that she was beautiful. She had that dressed in a man’s suit thing down. Wide loose trousers and vest. Her hair was cropped short enough that I wondered if she’d been military.

“Ah, have you been to grandmother’s house then?” Daphne smiled.

“Is this the part where I comment on your sharp teeth?”

She flicked an elongated fang with the tip of her tongue. “Do you suppose your grandmother would be upset if the wolf took a bite?”

“If you bite people here, I am sanctioned to behead you.” I paused, hoping for some reaction. “Both by the queen and by the city.”

“Wrong story, Crowe.” Daphnetsked.“The big bad wolf eats the granddaughter. Gobbles her up. For now, though—”

“Look. I’m not sure what your game is but . . .” I paused as she pushed a button on her phone, sending a message. “What was that?”

“Boom.” She motioned. “Fire. Some tavern or other? What was it called? Oh, I know . . .”

And I was off. Her laughter echoed behind me as Iflowedto Bill’s Tavern. The front window was shattered, and several tables were on fire.

Christy was standing at the street, gun in hand, looking like a wet avenging spirit.