“We cannot touch the earth until we are complete,” Eli called, reaching out to me.

I caught his hand, almost tumbling to the ground at the wave of need and intense knowing of his need. It was as if a wire looped between us, and the current grew and grew.

I blacked out and when I opened my eyes, we were in his house on bamboo mats. I looked at Eli. “What’s happening?”

“We are bleeding together,” he started.

I looked at him. No injuries. No blood.

“Not literally, Geneviève.” He crawled toward me and pulled me closer for a kiss. “The more we touch, the tighter the bond. We will meld together, as two lights become one flame, as two fragmented souls become complete.”

The words were pretty, and maybe later I could say that. Right now, I simply wanted him closer than close. I was suddenly wrapped around him.

But then his magic surged into me like a fist of daggers, and I jerked away. Crab-crawling backward, I managed to stand, but in the process, I stumbled and would have fallen back to the floor if not for the dozen or so hands that were suddenly on my back, arms, and legs.

“Don’t!” In my current state, I hadn’t even noticed they were there. I looked around, needing to know who they were, wanting to verify that they were not the dead.

Two dozen faeries stood in the room with us. At least six had steadied me. They watched, almost reverent in their regard.

I tried to walk, stumbled and had they not caught me, I’d have face-planted.

“We are here,” one faery said.

I pulled away, and again, I stumbled. “Monkey nuts!”

“What are monkey nuts?”

“She wants the food of primates!”

“Or the bollocks?”

“Is that a human delicacy?”

“She is witch! Do they require other special diets?”

“I can fetch monkeys. Which type? How many?”

I stared at them as if they were all mad, but Eli saved me from replying by saying, “She is expressing her shock. The bollocks will not be needed.”

Then, to me, he said, “These fae are not of my familial line. They are here to ease you to stability when the bleeding becomes too much.”

“How?” I had a series of thoughts that were too outlandish to speak, but in his way, Eli knew exactly what I’d been wondering.

“Not that way . . . unless it would please you, love.” Eli’s expression grew heated. “I would be fine with whatever you need to do.”

I swallowed against a suddenly parched mouth. Images not of me with these beautiful faeries but of him, naked and in nonstop pleasure. I bit my lip until I tasted blood.

“Or that,” Eli said, voice rougher than I could stand suddenly.

My knees buckled, and I forced myself to sound calmer than I felt. “Not the honeymoon I was promised, bonbon.”

There was nothing wrong with such fantasies, of course, and I’d enjoyed them with others in the past, but right here, right now, all my body wanted was Eli.

“Don’t want them,” I bit out. “Or an audience.”

“Geneviève.” He stepped toward me. “If we . . . the process is brutal.”

And suddenly, brutal sounded like exactly the path I needed. At the least, I didn’t want strangers here. “Just us.”