She relaxed slightly. “Still, maybe we ought to get help. Eli—”

“Is busy, and anything in there is asleep,” I pointed out. That was the benefit of coming during the day.

“I still think you need protection! Back-up or whatever.” Ally crossed her arms like a petulant child.

But before I could argue, I felt the dead. Here. Behind me.

“And who is this pretty bit of frock?” Iggy said as he stepped to my side.

Ally was done pouting and aiming a massive gun at the corpse in the next moment. “Should I shoot him?”

A part of me wanted to let Ally shoot Iggy. Another part wanted to know why the socialite wife, one of the wealthiest people in the city, had such ease with guns—or where she hid a .45 in a designer pantsuit. Someday, she was going to answer those questions.

For now, I said, “No.”

“Just once?” she whispered.

I stepped in front of her. As much as I was bound to her, I still remembered that she was a hair-trigger sort of woman.

“Iggy, I thought I was fairly clear on the no interruption thing

Iggy walked around me and bowed to Ally. “I apologize for startling you.”

“And for calling me a pretty bit of frock,” she added.

“Ah . . .”

“Sayit,” Ally ordered, raising her gun to his face.

Iggy laughed. “Things certainly have changed since my death, haven’t they? I apologize for calling you a pretty bit of frock, my dear lady, but you are quite beautiful.”

She poked her gun into his chest, and Iggy vanished—only to reappear beside her. “Lovely piece.”

“I’m not apiece,” Ally hissed.

“I meant the revolver.” Iggy shook his head. “Now, tell me what my hexen needs protected from . . .”

Chapter Seven

Ally walkedover to her trunk and pulled out bolt cutters and an axe. “Boss?”

“Where . . .?” I was used to cute shoes and mugs with silly sayings, but anaxe?

“Always prepared,” Ally chirped. “It’s like the assistant’s code or something, right?” She paused. “Do I get a merit badge for this?”

“A merit badge?” I blinked at her. It took me a minute to realize she was teasing me. I took the bolt cutters, snapped the chains, and handed them back. “Youwillwait here, Alice Chaddock.”

She sighed like she was deflating. “Can I shoot the dead guy at least?”

“No,” Iggy and I answered in unison.

Then Iggy looked at me and said, “I will be your extra eyes, Hexen. I am impervious to the tempers of humans.” He glanced at Ally. “And their revolvers.”

Ally crossed her arms and jutted out her lower lip. Honestly that pout worked on me more than I ever wanted to let on. Ally was becoming some weird cross between annoying little sister and child in my mind. No one else understood my fondness for her, and I couldn’t truly say I did either. She’d tried to kill me. That was definite hold-a-grudge territory, but the mere thought of her in danger made my temper prickle.

“Stay,” I repeated. “Or else.”

Now, “or else” was a lame sort of mom-threat, but it worked. Ally’s eyes widened, and she got back into the sedan.