“We have a bargain, and I do not seek to break that,” I said, treading carefully. “I fear that it was entirely to my benefit, and for that I am grateful, but nonetheless . . . I need to ask you to let me speak of the future in general.”

He sighed. “I know.”

“I won’t speak of our future,” I hedged. I’d been thinking of ways around the rules because, well,of course I had. I was not as clever as the fae, but I had spent a lotof time researching faery bargains.

Eli smiled, although it looked sad when he did.

“Courtship . . . dating . . .” I started, awkwardly fumbling forward despite knowing that danger was ahead. “I need to understand this, Eli. It’s not fair to expect me to know things when this is not my culture.”

“Do you think of the fae as fair, Geneviève?” His hand trailed over my back, fingertips tracing my spine.

“Eli . . .”

He sighed. “At the end of the courtship, one must accept the betrothal with an exchange of vows, or one must forsake the betrothed.”

My heart thudded at that.

“That is traditional.” Eli paused, and I knew he was trying to impart some wisdom to me. “There are no other options, traditionally. Matrimony or division. A date was set, and without an extenuating event, there are only no further options.”

I weighed the things he admitted, pondering options. “So, that means that on Twelfth Night I have to commit or quit.”

He looked at me. “We may not discuss our future, Geneviève. There are laws. Theterms of a bargainoverrule every other tradition for my people.”

“If I quit?”

“Then I will never speak to you again,” he said, voice tight. “Not as friends or partners. Nothing.”

“But I’m not ready to marry anyone,” I exclaimed. I sat up, glaring down at him. “And I can’t lose you. I . . . havefeelingsfor you.”

Eli took my hand. “I am aware of all of this.”

“But I can ask for anything?”

“That is our deal.” Eli stared at me, and I let myself read the images he was trying to will to me.

“I would wait,”he said. “I am in no rush, Geneviève.I have no desire for a wife unless you are that wife.”

“If I ask for our engagement to end? As my request?” I prompted. “End but you not forsake me as a . . . friend and partner?”

“I could never touch you intimately.”

I realized then what options he’d offered me with this bargain. I could not end it without losing him, and he could not end it at all. So, my options were marriage in about two weeks, or to ask for a request that was so carefully worded that I would have time. We would still court, but with no intent—on my part—to marry.

“It’s exhausting, dealing with the nuances of the fae,” I muttered before pushing him down and snuggling into his arms. “I like dating you, though.”

Eli laughed. “There is much to be said for dating.”

“I could do it for a very,verylong time,” I whispered.

“Indeed.” He kissed my forehead. “I do enjoy our dates.” He paused and in a low voice asked, “Where do witches stand on orgasms outside?”

“Pro. Some witches, in fact, are distinctively in favor of this. Was there one in particular witch you were asking about?”

He rolled me onto my back as he moved over me. “Mine.”

I’m not sure I’d have objected to the possessive tone in his voice, but it didn’t matter because he covered my mouth with his and kissed away any words I might have had.

Chapter Twelve