Page 32 of Paradise

It feels nice.

It feelsodd… but fucking nice.

When we’ve finished up our food, we all stand up and walk out to the hotel’s lobby together.

“Okay,” my dad says, stopping to face me. “Best behavior, Logan. You’re in charge.”

I smile, and Carson clicks his tongue. “I’m a lot more responsible, but whatever.”

“Sure you are, son.” Sara laughs, grabbing him and pulling him in for a hug. “Don’t let Levi and Hayden cause trouble, okay? We’ll see you next week.”

My dad hugs me too, whispering to be on my best behavior one more time for good measure.

“I promise, Dad,” I tell him, tightening our embrace. “Have a good time, okay? You deserve to be happy.”

When he pulls away, a smile is pulling up his lips. “I love you, sweetheart.”

“I love you,” I respond, and then we’re all going our separate ways. Me and Carson to the elevator to go upstairs, and our parents toward the front desk to check out.



“We’re free!” I yell as I walk into Hayden’s room, Logan following behind me.

Levi and Hayden both look up at me, speaking in unison. “What?”

“Our parents left,” Logan tells them, the door slamming closed behind her. “Went to a different hotel.”

“Who cares? We barely saw them anyway,” Levi says with a blank expression.

I laugh, falling down on the couch and pulling Logan into my lap. “Yeah, but now there’s no risk we’ll run into them.”

“Your parents basically booked you guys your own honeymoon alongside them, you think they care what we do?” Hayden says, his brows going up.

“Well, aren’t you two negative today,” Logan retorts. “God forbid we get excited about something.”

“God forbid,” I echo her, clicking my tongue.

“Well, I booked a boat,” Hayden says, looking at the three of us. “Do any of you know how to drive a boat?”

“What?” I question, suddenly even more excited. “A boat?”

“I know how to drive a boat,” Levi says, propping his feet up on the coffee table. “What kind of boat is it?”

“How do you know how to drive a boat?” Logan asks him as she drops her head onto my shoulder.

“It’s a yacht,” Hayden answers.

“How do I know how to do anything, Logan? I’m resourceful,” Levi says with a wink before looking back at Hayden. “I can drive a yacht, I think.”

“You think,” I add, sighing. “This sounds safe.”

Hayden stands up, slapping his hands on his thighs. “Gotta be at the dock or whatever at four. Go get ready. Bring alcohol.”

“Oh, we’re going to drink and drive a yacht, super safe.” Logan laughs, glancing up at me. “We’re going to die today.”

Shrugging, I pat her leg to get her to stand up.