I squeeze her jaw with my hand. “So let’s go.”
* * *
The next morning, we’re hungover as hell, lounging under the shade of a tree in the courtyard at school. “We don’t have that long before we need to have everything ready,” I say to Vinny, leaning back on my forearms. All eyes of Blackmore High watch us, even though we’re just hanging out before the bell rings.
There’s electricity pulsing through the air, everyone on edge as they wait for us to make a move. Vinny brings his cigarette to his lips, and my gaze connects with his as he sucks on the filter. My cock twitches in my jeans as I watch him, his full lips pressing around the cigarette for a moment before he pulls it back and blows smoke out through his parted lips.
He smirks at me as he repeats the motions, taking another hit and blowing it out slower.
Being this close to the games has my stomach in knots and my dick semi-hard all day, and dealing with Vincent’s attitude so early in the morning is making my veins pulse with need.
We stare at each other for a moment longer, neither of us willing to tear away from the other for the satisfaction. I lick my lips, his gaze dropping to my mouth for a breath before he growls and looks away. I chuckle, snatching the cigarette from his fingers to finish it off.
“Where’s Kai?” he asks, adjusting his cock in his pants.
“Principal Tallen called him to her office, some sort of Student Body President bullshit.” I blow smoke out above my head as I lean back once more.
“Too bad we can’t choose her for the games. That would really stir shit up.”
I raise my brows. “Rules are rules.”
He grunts as he sits up straight, his response dying on his lips when we spot Kai pushing through the front doors of the office, one hand typing on his phone and the other holding the door open behind him.
An unfamiliar girl walks through after him, making me sit up straight as well to watch.
We both stare at her. Eye-catching long, blonde hair cascades around her shoulders in golden waves and touches the center of her back when she turns to face Kai. But that isn’t what has me biting into the flesh of my tongue – it’s her tight ass in skin-tight jeans. My blood heats, my cock perking to life once more as I skim my gaze over her. She’s in a black top that’s tucked into dark jeans, her feet slipped into heels that are too high for school and completely out of place at Blackmore High. Her hair blows in the breeze, glittering in the sunshine, as if tempting me to wrap it around my fist and yank her head back.
“Who the fuck is that?” Vincent growls, but I pay him no mind, my attention glued to the girl that follows after Kai, completely oblivious to the fact she’s walking besides a predator.
We sit still in anticipation, waiting for her to turn and give us a glimpse of her face, waiting for the feeling to kick in when her eyes meet ours. When she walks ahead of Kai, I don’t miss the fact that he scans the back of her before he turns to look at us. I raise my hand at him in question, but he just grins and shakes his head, so I drop my hand.
The girl realizes that Kai isn’t following her, and turns to look at him, giving us the first glimpse of her face. The sun hits her just right that I can make out plump, red lips; freckles lining her nose and cheeks; and eyes that sparkle when the light hits them.
“Jesusfuck,” I growl. “That’s her.”
This girl, with sadness in her eyes and mischief in her smile, I can’t help but wonder… Who is she in the dark?
Will her heart rate speed up when put into a strenuous situation? Will her tears fall freely down her cheeks? Will her skin taste as sweet as her cries will sound?
“She’s the one,” Vin whispers mindlessly just as our phones buzz with a message.
Kaiden:Found her.
Damn right he did.
Idecided to go simple and tame with my appearance for my first day, assuming that the student body of Blackmore High won’t be anything like the kids I went to school with in L.A. Back home, girls would wear Gucci and diamonds to school – here, probably not. I’m not sure you can score designer shit at theLi’l Country Storethat’s on Main Street.
I fluff my hair one more time in the mirror, then grab my bag and throw it over my shoulder.
My grandmother has already registered me at Blackmore High, but I’ll need to check in with the administration to get my schedule. I want to make sure all my credits transferred over as well – I was on path to the Ivys back in California, and I’m not giving up my dream of a superior education just because I’m going to a public high school in Bumfuck, Georgia.
I was in all advanced classes, even some college courses, as well as being the Cheer Captain, Student Body President, Debate Leader, and Head of the Prom Committee. I don’t want all of that hard work to go down the toilet. If I need to slap a smile on my face and befriend everyone at Blackmore to get back on top, I will.