Our gazes connect again, and when I catch the heat in his eyes, I know I need to use it to my advantage to get the information I want. No more Mrs. Nice Guy – I want fucking answers. Licking my lips, I step toward him. “You know who that is, right?”
His mouth drops open as my chest brushes against his, and his free hand slips up behind me to grab my waist.
“Yeah,” he breathes. “But I can’t tell you.”
I pout, looking up at him through my eyelashes. “Vinny.” I slide my hand up the front of his stomach, feeling sweat coating the thin cotton material. “I promise I won’t tellanyone.Please, just help me out.”
He looks down at my hand, then takes a step backwards so my touch falls from him. Returning his gaze to mine, he grits his jaw. “Maybe you should talk to Kai.”
“I don’t want to talk to Kaiden.” I roll my eyes playfully, stepping toward him again as I brush my hair over my shoulder. “I want to talk to you.”
A cocky and sinister grin turns up his lips. “I know what you’re doing, Little Rabbit.”
I cock my head to the side, stepping into him so our breaths mix. “Oh?”
His hand grabs my waist roughly, his fingers digging into my flesh. “You’re trying to use the heaven between your thighs to get information from me, just like you did with Becks.” He chuckles. “But I’m not thirsty enough for you for it to work.”
I scoff. “Didn’t work with Beckham either.”
He yanks me closer, gripping the fabric of my shirt in his fist as his face falls into my neck and he breathes deeply. “If I fuck you, Sage, it’ll be because you’re so fucking desperate for my cock that you can’t help butbegfor it.”
My stomach bottoms out as his breath fans across my skin, and when he licks my neck, I suck down a sharp breath.
“It won’t be because you’re trying to get information out of me”—he pulls back, looking into my eyes once again—“because I don’t need your pussy that bad.”
“Yeah, because you have Rachel for that, right?” The words leave my lips before I can stop them, and his eyes light up with humor.
He pulls back, holding me at arm’s length. “Someone’s been gossiping in the locker room.”
I roll my eyes, turning my head to the side to show him the green and blue blooming on my jaw. “Gossiping? No. Getting punched? Yes.”
He grabs my jaw in his hand, careful not to touch the area where the bruise is and pulls me closer. “She hit you?!”
I shake from his grip. “It’s nothing.”
His jaw clenches. “It’s notnothing.I’ll talk to her.”
“No!” I shove his chest. “I don’t need you to fight my battles for me, especially with your little girlfriend.” His eyes narrow, but I continue.
“What I need”—I point to photo still clenched in his hand—“is to know who the fuck that is.”
He lifts the picture, scanning it with his gaze again before he looks at me and sighs. “Sage… There’re things you don’t know, and things you won’twantto know. Can’t you just let the past stay in the past?”
I groan in frustration, clenching my fists. “I deserve the right to decide for myself what information I get, Vinny!”
I stab the picture with my finger again. “This ismyfamily,myhistory,myfucking life!”
He sighs again, handing the photo back to me. “Her name is Megan Gallagher, but I’m telling you, Sage, if you go digging for information, and you don’t like what you find, don’t blame me.”
“Thank you,” I breathe, stepping into him and hugging him. “Thank you for telling me.”
He wraps his arms around me, squeezing me tight. “If Kai finds out, I’ll deny it and then turn your ass red.”
I laugh, shaking in his hold. “Deal.”