“Ready!” I call. I look back across the field one last time, catching Vinny’s eyes on me. Our gazes connect, and a small smile pulls at my lips. I lift my hand, wiggling my fingers at him, and he shakes his head as he chuckles, then turns around to keep practicing.
I walk over to the group, and Coach Steele introduces me to the team. A couple of girls smile at me, but most of them don’t. One girl in particular, right in the center of the clump of cheerleaders, a pretty brunette with a sneer on her face, catches my attention. She seems familiar, but I can’t place her.
She raises a hand then, speaking before Coach calls on her. “What position are you trying out for?”
All the girls glance at her, then back at me, so I clear my throat to answer. Before I have the chance to speak, Coach Steele answers for me. “Sage was the cheer captain at her last school, so she’ll show us what she’s got, and we’ll all figure out where she fits best on our team. Maybe she can bring something fresh and new to the squad.”
Coach speaks as if I’ve already gained a spot on the team, sending confidence through me, but then the brunette narrows her eyes at me and speaks again. “Well, let’s see what you’ve got then,Sage.”
She spits my name like it’s left a bad taste in her mouth, and she’s trying to get rid of it. I shake it off, taking a deep breath and stepping backwards so I have room.
I smile wide as I start my routine, one I choreographed for competition last year, and after a few moments, it’s as if everyone around me has disappeared. I start to get more and more confident, yelling out my cheer as I dance and move.
I was a sophomore captain for a reason, and I’m going to show them exactly why. I’m creative, flexible, energetic, and I take risks. Which is exactly what I do when I start running, then flipping, doing a pair of perfect front handsprings and then a round off. I finish my routine with a back handspring that ends on a touchdown with a loud clap of my hands. I make sure my smile is wide when I walk back to where I started so I can address the team.
A couple of girls are gaping, as if they’re impressed with my moves, and I grin at them in thanks before I glance at Coach Steele. She smiles, clapping her hands together.
“Well, alright then.” She laughs, then turns to look at the team. “Does anyone have any suggestions where Sage will fit best on our squad?”
No one says anything, each and every girl turning their heads to look at the brunette in the middle, giving away that she’s most likely the captain.
“Rachel?” Coach Steele calls her out, making the girl flick her eyes to me. “Any suggestions?”
“We could pop her in at the back of the routine with Missy. She can partner with her on how to be a Backspot.” Rachel grins. “We pretty much have the entire routine done already, so that would be the easiest.”
I’m small and slim, so I know I’m not the right fit for that position. I’m more equipped to fly, but I keep my mouth shut. I need to warm them up, then hopefully they’ll be more inclined to move me out from the back.
Coach Steele nods. “We’ll see how you do this week in that position, Sage. Practice every other day, and we have a game on Friday.”
I nod, feeling a little defeated but still confident. It’s clear that Rachel has some sort of problem with me, and that’s why she’s shoving me in the back, but whatever. I’m new, I wouldn’t trust some new girl either who threatened my spot.
“Stay and watch today, Sage. Get a feel for our routines and the way we do things, okay?” Coach Steele smiles, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I smile wide. “Thank you.”
I walk to the outside of the field, sitting on the grass and risking a look out to Vinny again. He’s watching me once more as he drinks water from his bottle, and my hand twitches in a little wave. He doesn’t return the gesture, instead throwing his water bottle down on the grass and putting his helmet back on.
Scanning the area, I find a couple of girls on the squad with their gazes on me, their eyes cautious and careful. I just give them a smile, and then Coach calls for their attention, leaving me to wonder why they all are so standoffish toward me.
* * *
The sun is setting to the west once practice wraps up, making a chill run over my bare arms and legs as the soft autumn breeze blows. I follow the squad into the gym, and Coach Steele yells out agood jobto us and gives me a big smile before she goes into her office and closes the door. I follow the girls to the locker room to change, finding the locker I left my clothes in a few hours ago.
Rachel slides up to me before I have a chance to strip, her lip curling. “What’s your plan? Get on the squad to get closer to Vinny?”
I pull my head back a little in surprise. “What?”
She rolls her eyes. “I saw you wave at him. Don’t play stupid.” She steps toward me. “And I know you were in the games this year, but you’d be smart to remember that the games aren’t real life, Sage.I’mreal life, and it’smybed Vinny gets into when he needs someone.”
I shake my head, confused and caught off guard. “I’m not here because of Vinny.”
She laughs. “Sure. Just stay away from him.”
She turns as if she’s going to walk away, but a response falls from my lips like word-vomit. “Do you even realize how fucked up that is?”
She looks back at me, her pretty features contorted into malice. I continue. “He’s in your bed when he needs someone? Don’t you want a real boyfriend, someone who cares about you past the need to fuck you?”
I immediately regret my words when she grits her jaw and her nostrils flare in anger. “You don’t know what the fuck you’re talking about.”