Their heads tilt to the side at the exact same time, creating an eeriness to rush through me. They’re fucking unnerving, standing there like they’re watching me squirm.
Anger burns through me once again. “You sick fucks!” I yell, balling my fists at my sides. “You don’t just fucking kidnap people for a stupid game! You three are twisted!”
They don’t say anything in response, don’t move an inch, but then my own words register in my head like a cold bucket of ice water being dumped over my head.
Where is Vinny?
I dart my eyes around the hallway searching for him, then Kaiden and Beckham start to walk toward me leisurely. They act as if they are in no rush at all, like they have all the time in the world to torture me.
I press harder against the door at my back, trying to get as far away from them as possible. When they’re finally passing the open doorways closest to me, the door behind me swings open, making me fall back.
I scream, catching myself and spinning around, only to be met by the last Hallows Boy.
Vinny’s mask is different as well, with black circles stitched around the eyeholes that make his deep, green eyes look almost luminescent.
I turn to run, even as Kaiden and Beckham are closing in behind me, but Vinny wraps his arms around me and presses a knife to my neck. “Where are you going, Little Rabbit?”
My teeth chatter in fear, my entire body tensing as I hold my breath.
I swallow hard, making the knife dig into my skin with the movement, and I feel a harsh sting as it cuts me. But, instead of screaming or passing out or fighting for my life, something sick and twisted inside of me burns hotter than the sun, turning my core to molten fire that makes me feel shameful.
Lust and desire run through me. I’m sick, broken, certifiably perverted and insane. This shouldn’t bring a thrill through me, it should have me begging or running without a look back. But these ruthless, sinister boys create something inside of me that I can’t stub out. They’re black pits of depravity and sin – all three of them – and there’s a large part of me that wants to see how far that pit goes, just how dark they can get.
Through the holes on Kaiden’s mask, I see his eyes move to my neck, tracing the small dribble of blood that’s now trailing down my skin, and his chest rises and falls harder. He reaches toward me, dragging his finger through the red liquid, using his other hand to lift his mask to just above his top lip. He swirls his finger around the cut on my skin, then pulls it back and slips it into his mouth to suck off my life’s essence.
He hums in pleasure around his finger before he pulls it from his lips with an audible pop, then his mouth curves into a wicked grin that has my gut falling to my ass. He whispers huskily, like gravel coats his throat. “Let’s find out who you are in the dark, Sage Lindman.”
As soon as the last words slip from his lips, the knife at my throat slides away, bringing a breath of relief from my lungs. But then my world is closed in darkness when Vinny pulls the sack over my head again.
“No!” I yell, lifting my arms to hit them on intuition, but before any of my punches land, my arms are twisted around my back again and secured with a scratchy, rough piece of rope. I feel someone at my feet, then my legs are wrapped in the same rope and tied together.
When my legs are lifted from the air at the same time that a set of hands holds me under the shoulders and I’m turned horizontally, I buck and wiggle the best I can to try and get dropped to the ground. My efforts are useless though. I float through the air like a doll being carried. I scream, my entire body shaking with anxiety for what’s to come, and my breath comes out in heavy exhales that have heat spreading through the sack on my head.
Tears rush down my face as fear takes the driver’s seat, kidnapped once more tonight like I’m nothing but a weightless doll, moved to wherever the owner wants her. I’m helpless, my limbs tied and my vision gone – but there’s part of me that feels a tiny thrill still licking at my spine at what might happen next.
My throat runs dry, soreness spreading the more I scream, and when I finally lose the energy to keep going, I fall silent and listen to the faint footsteps of the three boys around me. I hear the groaning of the old staircase as they travel downward, and when we reach the first floor, a door creaks open before slamming shut again when we’ve moved beyond it. I’m thrown down like a sack of potatoes before I can rightfully guess where we are, my body landing on a plush surface that smells like mildew and dust.
The sack over my head is ripped off a heartbeat later, but it doesn’t make a difference – wherever we are, there are no windows or open doors, so it’s pitch-black. I take a deep breath in against the mattress I’m laid atop, my arms and legs still bound behind me, and the smell of the musty bed makes me gag.
My tears flow freely still, like faucets in my eyes that are turned on and uncontrollable. I hold in my sobs though, staying silent so I don’t give them the pleasure of hearing me cry. They don’t deserve the sweetness of my cries, especially since they’re probably getting off from my reactions.
I lie in the darkness, bound and cold, and just wait.
I can almost hear the time ticking by, like it’s taunting me. Maybe they’ve left me here, maybe they aren’t in the room with me. The thought of that makes me feel half relieved and half disappointed. Why do all of this to just leave me here?
No, they’re here – I can feel them. I can sense that they’re with me, even though I can’t see or hear them. I know they’re here.
I swallow hard, willing the tears to stop falling, and when they finally do and I sniffle through my nose, I take a deep breath.
“This game sucks,” I muse, testing them for a reaction of my own.
A body falls down next to me, making the mattress creak under the weight. My body tenses, even as fire floods my veins again, and the rope around my wrists cuts into my skin and makes me hiss.
No one touches me, though. Whoever sat down next to me sits just far enough away that I can only feel the heat radiating from their body.
I grit my teeth, anger simmering inside me. I want to scream, yell at whoever it is,touch me, damn it! Do something!