I want to double over at the thought, my heart aching in my chest as I think of my mother. I would give anything to have one more conversation with her. Hell, even a mother-daughter argument would be soul-soothing at this point.
“We can always come back here and have a sleepover. My grandmother won’t mind,” I offer, and when she smiles at me in gratitude, I feel warm.
She pulls her flask from her bag, then offers it to me. “Pregame?”
My lips turn up as I grab the flask, desperate for some liquid courage before I wander into a night I’ll be navigating blind. Maybe something strong will keep my insecurities and depression at bay.
I swallow down a generous mouthful of the liquor, grimacing at the burn the vodka creates going down my throat.
Once I’ve cleared my throat, I hand Juliet the flask back. “Who do you think will be there tonight?”
I pull on a cropped denim jacket, just in case it’s cold, and it pairs well with the black dress I chose to wear. The mesh at the bottom of the skirt kisses my thighs just above my knee, giving me some length but still showing enough skin that I might have the chance to pull someone tonight if I end up wanting to.
“Pretty much everyone,” Juliet answers, taking a sip from the flask.
“The Hallows Boys?” I question as I turn to my vanity to grab my phone, unable to look her in the eye as I ask.
She groans, “Not you too!”
I spin around to look at her, making a disgusted face. “No, definitely not. Just curious.”
She hums between her lips, narrowing her eyes at me. I laugh, taking a step toward her to grab her hand and pull her up off the bed. “Let’s go, drama queen. Time to see how hard Blackmore parties.”
She stands, grinning at me as she hands me the flask for one more shot, and I down the liquid in big gulps that make the hairs in my nose burn. When I finally pull off the lip of the flask, I blow out a long breath as I groan loudly. “That hurts like a bitch.”
My new friend laughs. “Keep going, you’ll need it. Blackmore’s darkness takes prisoners.”
* * *
We walk the five minutes to the cemetery, sipping from the flask the whole way. The music is booming through the graveyard so loud we can hear it from the street, and the bass sends a burst of adrenaline through me as it shakes all the way into my chest. I scan through the grounds as we walk across the grass, dodging people and littered cups, letting my eyes admire the silhouettes of people dancing and partying.
There’s a large bonfire going in the back, away from some of the newer graves, and I spot a few people engaging in sexual acts. Most of them are making out, grinding vigorously to the music, but others are more reckless, removed clothing strewn around them as they surrender to the erotic bliss the atmosphere has created here. They don’t seem to notice each other, and if they do, it’s in a blasé way that makes me half uncomfortable, half turned on.
I turn to Juliet and raise my brows, and she snorts. “I warned you.”
She makes a left, turning to lead me toward the coolers that are set up on the concrete wall that separates the cemetery to the outside world. I step around plots and markers, avoiding the risk that some vengeful ghost will get pissed if I step on his resting place. I’m not taking any chances with bad luck in a fucking graveyard.
Juliet sticks her hand in one of the coolers, even though it’s filled to the brim with icy water, and pulls out a beer to hand to me. She goes back in, grabbing one for herself, and then pops the tab. I do the same, taking a few sips of the bitter liquid before I follow Juliet to an empty stone bench on the perimeter line of the graveyard.
Excitement begins to bubble up inside of me, something I haven’t felt in a really long time – not since before my parents died – and it brings a big grin to my face.
I feel weightless, like I don’t have a worry in the world, and part of me recognizes the feeling to be intoxication, but the other part of me revels in the freeness. It may be a short relief from the madness that is my head lately, but I welcome the feeling with open arms, greeting it like a long-lost friend.
“Hey Jules.” Some redheaded guy drops down on the bench next to Juliet, making me startle. “Kinda weird that you’re here.”
My friend’s shoulders tighten, almost like she’s trying to make herself smaller, and the alpha woman inside of me takes over. I lean forward, eyeing the guy who’s grinning to himself. “Why’s it weird?”
He chuckles. “Jules, here, hates everyone, didn’t you know?”
Juliet sighs. “Go away, Jack.”
I roll my eyes at him when he looks at me, his eyes scanning down my body a few times. “Yeah,Jack.Go away. We’re trying to have a good time over here.”
He laughs humorlessly. “Good to see you out with the living, Jules.”
He stands up before she can say anything in response, turning to walk toward the coolers where a few people are standing, having a chugging contest. Juliet meets my eye as she tips back her beer, and there’s gratitude floating in her gaze. I tip my can back as well, letting the questions I want to ask move to the backburner for now.
We fall back into a comfortable silence, and I continue watching the party around us. I would say I’m people watching if anyone asked, but the truth is, I’m looking forthem.The three boys that have plagued my mind since I landed in this creepy town – The Hallows Boys. They’re mysterious, and the girl inside of me that loves solving puzzles can’t let it go. I want to figure them out, pinpoint exactly what it is about them that makes them so…desirable.