“Are you excited for your first day?”
I look at him from the corner of my eye, sarcasm dripping from my lips. “Overjoyed.”
“Bet it’ll be a lot different than you’re used to, huh?”
I turn to look at him, confusion swimming in my eyes. “Why are you making small talk with me?”
He looks at me for a second, then returns his attention to the road. “I don’t know.”
I snort. “We’ll have plenty of time to bond while you show me around campus.”
“I’m not showing you around shit.” His tone has turned sour again, making me roll my eyes. God, this guy is moodier than anyone I’ve ever met.
I don’t say anything else the entire ride, annoyed beyond belief at the rollercoaster this jackass is taking me on. One second, he’s playful and nice, and the next, he’s talking to me like the dirt stuck to his over-priced shoes.
He parks next to a shiny, black Maserati in the student parking lot, and my stomach swims with nerves and disgust. Most kids at my old school still take the school bus, but here they drive brand new sports cars.
He gets out of the car without a word, slamming the door behind him. I take a breath, looking down at my lap to ready myself for the day, but nothing helps calm the panic running in my veins. Nothing cools the anger burning inside of me at the fact that this is my reality.
I take one more long breath, blowing it out through my mouth, and then look out the window. Carson is leaning against the Maserati, his two dickhead friends next to him – and they’re all staring at me, watching with predatory gazes.
I laugh a little under my breath, slap on my bad bitch face, and swing my door open.
“Good morning, Logan.” Hayden addresses me first, giving me the telltale sign that he’s the alpha.
I slide from my seat, dropping onto the concrete in my new Doc Martens. “Good morning…” I let myself trail off, my head turning to the side in confusion as I drag my gaze over him. “What’s your name again?”
His face is a mask of calm, and it would be frightening if I was a weaker girl, but I grew up in the hood. There’s nothing this privileged motherfucker can do that will scare me.
I grin as I stare at his emotionless face, and he blinks a few times before his mouth splits into a threatening smile. “You’ll learn it.”
Huffing a laugh, I turn to Levi. “Good morning, Levi. Would you like to try to intimidate me as well?”
Might as well just lay it all out on the table, right?
He chuckles, dimples popping into his cheeks. “No, but I’d be down for a quickie before first period.”
I roll my eyes at him, turn to close the door of the Jeep, and then walk past them toward the school without another word.
* * *
I wasn’t prepared for Luxington High School.
Calling it a public high school is a big stretch. It’s more like an exclusive training camp for the children of rich kids, but with less rules. I have yet to spot a teacher, whereas at Franklin, they always monitored the halls.
The pale cream walls and dark wooden floors inside the building make it look like a museum, and there’s even fancy light fixtures hanging throughout instead of regular fluorescent lighting. The lockers lining the walls in the first corridor I go down are a deep onyx, the locks electronic. It’s unnecessary, at best.
Students don’t pay me any attention as I wander around looking for the office, most of them treating me like I’m completely invisible. You’d think seeing someone who is so clearly lost would entice at least one person to offer a helping hand, but they don’t. Cliques gather around lockers and large seating areas, laughing and playing on their phones, ignoring anything else that’s happening.
Checking my watch, I notice I have twenty minutes until the first bell and decide to ask for help.
I assess my options, running my judgmental gaze over a few people before deciding to ask a girl who’s standing alone at her locker.
“Excuse me?” She turns her head to look at me. “I was wondering if you could tell me where the administration office is?”
She stares at me with malice in her features, like I’m stupid. “Do I look like a tour guide?”
I curl my lip, then decide to continue walking past her so I don’t knock her out. I should have read the perfect hairstyle, flawless makeup, and high heels. She’s probably one of the popular girls.