After a meal at an upscale Italian restaurant and avoiding eye contact with my stepbrother while we all made meaningless small talk, Sara went back on the warpath of shopping. It wouldn’t surprise me if she was selling organs on the dark web for huge chunks of change with the amount of money she’s dropped today. As far as I know, she’s an attorney.
I’m uncomfortable, which I voiced – loudly. Of course, Carson laughed, and Sara insisted it wasjust a small shopping day.What the fuck? A small shopping day for me is buying an old band tee at the Goodwill, not buying a two-thousand-dollar backpack.
I end up finding a couple of crop tops in Anthropologie, so I toss them in the shopping tote, then follow Sara back to the dressing rooms. Carson follows behind, uninterested in anything inside the store, so he’s silent, which is nice for a change.
He’s been making little inappropriate jokes all day, driving me up the fucking wall. Emphasizing words and making crude gestures afterwards.
“Do you want tocomewith me, Logan?”Eyebrow wiggle.“Is it okay if Icome,Logan?”Kissy face. Then when Sara had walked away to grab another size for me in a fitting room, he said,“You’d never guess you have such nice tits under that shirt.”Then he dragged those ocean eyes down my body until I broke out in goosebumps and had to excuse myself.
He’s getting under my skin and pissing me off. He’s fucking with me, and he knows I can’t do anything about it in front of his mom. Little shitbird.
“Okay, hear me out.” Sara spins to face me, her expression twisted with excitement and playfulness, making me laugh a little.
“Hit me.” I nod my head once and she pulls something loudly floral out of her shopping tote.
“This would be so cute.” She shakes it out, holding it up by the straps to show me a tiny dress with blue and white flowers on it. It’s not that bad… it just isn’t me.
I stare at it, unable to break her very excited heart.
When she starts laughing, I know that the look on my face must be completely giving me away, which makes me laugh as well.
“Just try it on. If you hate it, I’ll drop it and shut up.But…I think you’ll like it.” She holds it toward me. “I’m going to keep looking around, but I’ll come back and check on you.”
She finds a sitting area in the center of the dressing rooms and drops her bags on the floor by one of the armchairs. “Carson, sit here and watch my bags.”
He walks on his long legs, swaying his hips in that cool guy way he does, and sits down in one of the chairs, pulling out his phone. Before Sara walks out of the dressing room, she points to the door behind me, a faux stern look on her face to tell me to get moving.
I groan dramatically, causing her to chuckle as she leaves, then push the door open. Closing myself away without a word to Carson, I drop all my shopping bags on the floor and throw my purse down on the bench in the corner. I untie the flannel from my waist, pull my dress over my head, then slip off my boots and kick them to the side. Staring at the dress one more time, I sigh and then slip it over my head. Once I’ve adjusted the straps and the skirt, I check myself out in the mirror.
It isn’t that bad, but I’m not going to tell Sara that. I look like… I don’t even know what I look like, but it isn’t Logan Briar from Franklin. It’s some girl from Luxington. The thought makes my stomach turn sour, because there isn’t a chance in hell I’ll end up being like someone from Luxington.
There’s a tap on the door before I can strip it back over my head, so I take one last look in the mirror before I pull the door open to show Sara. I flip the lock, and as soon as my fingers release the metal latch, the door pushes open with force, and Carson is barging into the room, closing and locking the door behind him.
“Excuse me–” I go on the defense, but he cuts me off.
“Shut up.”
I reel back, my face turning angry. But then he’s crowding me, making me step backwards until my back hits the wall and he’s covering my body with his.
“What are you doing?” I breathe, my courage faltering as he presses forward until his mouth is a hair from mine.
“My mom will be back any minute, and I’ve been thinking about doing this since I saw you in the shower. Why do you think I came on your little girls shopping trip?” His hands slide up my sides, pushing the dress to my waist until my panties are showing, making my head swim.
“Wait, what?!” My mouth drops open. “Thinking about doingwhat?”
“Logan,” he breathes into my mouth, “I know that you’ve been thinking about it too. I saw it in your eyes when you saw me jerking off. Let’s just get it out of our systems.”
“I don’t–” There’s a knock at the door, and Carson’s hand slams over my mouth to cut my words off.
“Logan?” Sara calls. “I’m going to step out to take a call really quick! I’ll be back to see you in the dress!”
Carson’s eyes expand a little, warning me as his hand slides from my mouth and his eyebrows jump.
“Okay, Sara!” I call back, and Carson smirks as he drops to his knees in front of me.
He lets go of the hold he has on the dress, letting it fall back down. “Hold your dress up, Logan.”
Before I can do as instructed, he’s slipping his hands underneath it and pulling my panties down my legs, leaving them around my ankles and ducking his head under the skirt of my dress. Everything fogs, then his tongue is connecting with my pussy, and I’m pulling my dress up to give him some air.