I place my hand in his. “Likewise.”
Once I’ve dropped my hand from his, I turn to give Hayden a grin.
I’m mildly aware that my father and Sara are watching this exchange unfold, but I refuse to drop my shields so early. No way I’ll turn my back to someone who I see as threatening, not in Luxington – not anywhere.
“Goodbye, boys,” Sara singsongs, stepping to the side so they can pass through the doorway.
I don’t miss the shimmer of humor that passes between Hayden and Carson as he steps past him, but I store it away in the back of my mind to take apart later.
Now? Now I need to get to know my new surroundings, and I desperately need a shower.
There’s a knock at my door just as I’m slipping Beats into my ears to focus on some homework, and my mom walks in before I can answer.
“Dinner’s ready.”
I perk an eyebrow after I’ve turned in my chair to look at my mom. “Since when do you cook?”
“I don’t, but I know how to use the DoorDash app on my phone.” She grins.
I snort, pulling my headphones from my ears and putting them back into the charging case. “I’ll be right down.”
She leaves without another word, and I type out a text to the group chat with Hayden and Levi before I stand up to head downstairs.
Carson:Need to get fucked up
Hayden responds almost immediately, and Levi is close behind him.
Hayden:Come over then
Levi:Invite your sister
Hayden:Chicks hot
Hayden:Even if she is Franklin trash
Hayden:I heard girls from Franklin give the best sloppy
Levi:you saw them DSLs? she’d suck the soul right outta you like one of them things from harry potter
Hayden:and I’d let her
Carson:Fuck off.
Hayden:Carson is it cool if your sister chokes on my dick?
Levi:you saw the way she looked at me? its my dick hittin her dangly thing
Carson:Fuck. Off.
Hayden:I think he wants his sis to eat his dick for dinner instead
Levi:oh shit. C? gonna bang your sister?
Carson:Do whatever you want. See you in an hour.