This time feels different, and when I have my second orgasm, I recognize it for what it is.
We’re making love.
Ipull into Carson’s spot in the school parking lot in my new car, throwing it into park before I glance at where Carson is sitting in the passenger’s seat. Hayden’s Maserati is in the spot next to us, as usual, with both Hayden and Levi sitting on the back, waiting.
“Ready?” Carson asks, threading a hand into my hair.
I nod, lifting my hands. “I put on some rings just in case Cassidy wants to fight.”
He laughs, throwing his head back. “There’s my little hood girl.”
I giggle as I open my door, then step out and slam it shut. Carson does the same, and we meet at the back to twine our fingers together.
“They’re alive!” Levi shouts, sliding down from the back of Hayden’s car to run over to us. “When you guys didn’t show up yesterday, we figured your parents killed you.”
Carson slaps hands with him, then Hayden when he walks over as well. “Nah, we just needed another day for ourselves.”
Levi shakes his head. “Well, you gave Cassidy an extra day to spread information, so be prepared.”
“I tried to shut her up,” Hayden adds, slipping his hands into his pockets.
“You tried?” I question. It’s unbelievable that Hayden would ever fail at something he set his mind to.
He doesn’t say anything else, just gives Carson a look that I can’t read and turns to head toward the school. Levi laughs at whatever unspoken words were just exchanged and follows behind Hayden.
Carson’s hand tightens in mine. “Let’s go.”
I fill my lungs with air, blowing it out slowly before I start walking. I’m not a weak bitch, but anyone would need an extra second in this moment. I’m about to face the entire school, an entire school of people who have still not grown to like me, who just found out I’ve been sleeping with my stepbrother. My stepbrother who had a very public and serious relationship with the most popular girl in school until this weekend. Whether it was fake or not, that’s not going to change the way they see me.
I’m the new girl, the tempting seductress who stole Cassidy’s boyfriend. Even without the insane factor that he’s my stepbrother, I don’t look good.
Carson opens the door for me, holding it open so I can pass through. I shake out some nerves as I step onto the wood floor of the corridor, telling myself I’m going to keep my head high and my confidence even higher.
Once Carson is through the door as well, he throws his arm over my shoulder and kisses the side of my head reassuringly, like he’s trying to remind me that he’s right here with me.
All eyes are on us as we walk to my locker, and when I’m done pulling my books out, we make the short walk to Carson’s to get his. I spot Cassidy down the hall while Carson types the combination into his locker, a group of very Cassidy-looking girls surrounding her, and she catches my eye with a sneer pulling up her top lip.
She leans to the side, saying something to the girl next to her, who turns and spreads the words like wildfire down the line. When they all have matching grimaces on their usually pretty faces, Cassidy grins and starts walking toward us.
I turn to Carson, who’s digging in his locker, looking for something. “Incoming.”
His eyebrows pull down, but when he spots his ex-girlfriend heading our way, he groans and slams the locker closed.
“Carson,” Cassidy greets him, ignoring me. “Can we talk?”
“Sure, go ahead,” he answers, raising his eyebrows.
She looks at me, but speaks again to Carson. “Alone.”
“No,” I answer for him, a smile touching my lips. “You can talk with me here or you can fuck off.”
“You’re hissister, not his mother,” she snaps at me, making me chuckle.
Carson grits his teeth as he threads his fingers through mine and starts to pull me away. “Now you can’t talk to me at all.”