“Shut up.” She slaps my chest. “You know what I mean, Carson. We’re so different. We’re opposites in all the ways that usually matter. You drive mecrazy.But somehow all of that works for us, like you fill the spots that I lack and vice versa. Your crazy stopped frustrating and annoying me at some point, I don’t know when, and turned into something that’s hot as fuck and makes me wild.”
I grin. “Because you’re just as crazy as I am.”
She huffs. “I’m crazy in a different way. You’re possessive, have no boundaries, and think you’re the king of the world.”
I purse my lips. “This doesn’t feel like a compliment anymore.”
“That’s what I’m saying, though.” She rubs her fingers along my lower back lovingly. “I love all of those things about you. They turn me on and make me feel so fucking important.”
“All of our pieces fit together,” I point out. “You push me, fight back, and remind me that if I’m the king… You’re the fuckingqueen,and everyone knows the queen controls the king.”
Her lips spread into a smile. “I’m what you’ve needed all along.”
Leaning forward, I rest my forehead on hers and press my nose against hers, breathing her in. “Don’t let it go to your head.”
After spending the day on the beach, we sneak back into the house before Sara gets home from work and shower off all the evidence. Carson orders a pizza while I set up a movie in the living room, and once Sara is walking in the door an hour later, we’re curled up watching The Hunger Games and shoving slices of pizza in our mouths.
“I don’t care what he looks like, Logan!Gale sucks!”Carson is shouting and waving his hands around in the air like a lunatic, making me roll over onto the couch and laugh.
Sara’s heels click on the marble as she reaches us. “The Hunger Games?”
“Sara.” I sit up, turning to her. “How have you never made Carson watch this franchise before?!”
“I knew he would get overly invested.” She sighs, looking at Carson’s red face as he grits his teeth. “Clearly, I was correct.”
I laugh, throwing my head back.
“How was school today?” Sara asks, raising a brow.
I turn to Carson as he stares at me, reading his thoughts by the look in his ocean eyes. Turning back to Sara, I make a face that shows her how painful it is to speak my next words. “We didn’t go.”
“I know,” she says, crossing her arms over her chest. “The school called…again.”
Carson and I both sit in silence, staring at Sara as she stares back at us with thatdisappointed momlook on her face.
“Carson, you missed football practice, so you’re benched for the next game. Logan, you missed a pop quiz in French, so now you have a C. Great job, kids, keep up the good work.” She turns to walk away, blowing out a heavy breath as she reaches down one by one to slip off her heels. “Don’t do it again!” she yells over her shoulder.
I look at Carson, stretching my lips into a frown. “Uh oh.”
He rolls his eyes, pulling me closer to him as he picks up the remote to keep playing the movie. “She won’t remember in an hour. Don’t stress.”
Nuzzling my head onto his chest, he wraps his arm around my shoulder and plays with the ends of my hair as we put our attention back on the TV screen.
* * *
At some point, Sara joined us in the living room, curling up on the armchair next to the couch with a glass of wine she keeps refilling with the bottle she placed on the table. When the movie has ended, Carson stands up and stretches his arms above his head, the little patch of hair above the line of his sweats peeking out. I stand too. “I think I’m gonna head to bed.”
“Oh!” Sara stands, setting her wineglass on the table. “I almost forgot. Logan, I got you something.”
I raise an eyebrow in curiosity. “What did you get me?”
She grins, her cheeks red. “Come with me.”
Carson and I follow behind her as she crosses through the house, then out the front door. She waves her arms, holding them out like Vanna White in front of a shiny, white two-door BMW.