I nod at him, then stare at his ass as he walks down the hallway and through the double doors at the end of the hall.
I have a date.
With Brody Rockport, who is the most popular guy in school.
What the fuck?
I let the words repeat themselves inside my head on a loop for the next two hours of classes, and when it’s finally lunchtime I feel like my head is going to explode into pieces at any moment.
What am I doing?
Getting into the line for the salad bar, I plug my headphones into my phone and let the powerful words of the Hopeless Fountain Kingdom take my mind off of my recent entire life change.
I pile my bowl with all my usual salad fixings and swipe my student ID in the self-serve register to pay and then spin on my heels to look for Camilla. I haven’t run into her all day, which isn’t particularly normal. My eyes scan the large room of plush sofas and over the top dining tables littered with students and spot her sitting at the jock table.
Of course.
Because what happens when you’re fresh meat at a popular party? You become the shiny new toy.
I head in her direction, not exactly excited to spend the lunch hour listening to douchebros talk about sports or watch leggy cheerleaders share a can of diet coke and some diet pills.
Her eyes flick up to mine and she cracks a fake smile in my general direction before turning her attention back towards the blonde football dick sitting next to her.
Um? Okay?
I let out a small breath, rolling my eyes at the entire situation before I turn to head towards an empty armchair on the opposite side of the cafeteria. I pop my earbuds back in and settle into the warm leather and scarf down my salad, not stopping to look up at all. I don’t let my mind wander anywhere else besides Halsey’s harsh words about heartbreak and confidence.
Especially not to the fact that my one and only friend in this place just dismissed me in front of the entire football team. Like I knew she would when she got even the slightest taste of popularity.
Good for her, I guess?
I’m taking my last bite of lettuce, ranch dressing dribbling down the corner of my mouth when a hand with perfectly manicured nails appears in front of my face and snaps. I jump and slice my eyes towards the human the hand is connected to, licking at the dressing that’s threatening to land on my jeans at any moment.
There’s a short blonde standing about three centimeters in front of me with her hand on the bright pink fabric of her skirt on her hip, giving me the same smile Cam gave me earlier.
There’s nothing I hate more.
I drop my fork into my bowl and pull my headphones out of my ears, “Yes?”
A group giggle sounds behind blondie so I crane my neck to see the two clones of her standing about ten feet back, watching their friend talk to me.
“Um,” Blondie flicks her hair over her shoulder, squinting her eyes down at me, “I saw you, like, all over Brody at the party on Friday. Just wanted to give you fair warning that he’s mine. You just looked pathetic.”
I tip my head to the side and lean back in the armchair, cross my arms over my chest and crack a smile at her, “Oh?”
“I won’t warn you again.” On that she spins on her heel and heads back towards her table, her groupies following close behind her. A laugh bubbles up my throat and I clamp my hand over my mouth to stifle it, the last thing I want is for her to turn around.
The bell rings and students stand to shuffle to their classes, so I stand, tossing my empty bowl in the garbage and throw my bag over my shoulder, opting to get through the rest of this day so I can see Brody tonight.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
seven months ago