Page 51 of Nightmare

His hand comes down on her shoulder to get her attention and she blushes from the compliment. Summer speaks up for her, “Olivia’s going to be famous.”

I peek at Olivia in my peripheral vision to watch her roll her eyes at her best friend, then look out the window to avoid the rest of the conversation. I silently curse the rest of the shitheads in the car because I was enjoying finally getting to hear her sing.

Jax pulls back into his seat, the car is enveloped in music again, but I continue glancing at Olivia every now and again. She doesn’t sing again for the entire car ride, and keeps her body angled at the window, with a faraway look on her face.

By the time I’m pulling into the driveway of Mac’s father’s vacation home, we’re all feeling a little stir crazy, in desperate need for some sort of release.

I’m definitely in need of getting between my girl’s legs, but don’t mention that when she starts making plans with Summer for all of us to hit the beach bars for a night out.

My sneakers hit the red orange bricks that line the driveway, and I make my way around the back of the truck to start getting bags out. I pull mine and Olivia’s out, leaving the rest of Jax and Mac to get, then head towards where the girls are standing at the front of the car.

“Ready?” I pop an eyebrow at Olivia, who’s grinning up at the three-story home, her eyes scanning every inch.

She turns to me, “Ready.”

She reaches out to take her bag from my arms so I roll my eyes at her before I kiss at her mouth, “I got it.”

She sighs, “Fine, at least walk ahead of me so I can stare at your ass in those sweatpants.”

I laugh, taking a step towards the front door, giving my baby what she wants, a great view of my ass.

Chapter Twenty-Five


We madethe trek down the beach to find a little bar off the beaten path – nothing too boujee – and we’re sitting at a table swirling fruity drinks in our glasses, nodding along to the Bob Marley song the cover band is playing.

Travis is eyeing me from across the table, practically begging me to get closer to him with his eyes – I give him a smile before turning back to the conversation Summer is having with Jax.

The bar is mostly older people, mid-forties, but it’s nice to be somewhere calmer than usual. No strobe lights or DJs in sight. Just beach culture and chilling.

“I don’t know why we’re talking about this right now.” Summer is saying, and I can’t for the life of me remember what they’re talking about.

“Because, Summer, it is important.” Jax responds to her sternly, and Mac snorts.

“I already accepted admittance to Columbia so I can be here with Liv. No way Harvard will take me now.” Summer says, then takes a drink from her glass.

“Wait, are you trying to get her to ditch me?” I ask Jax and he gives me a smile.

“Imagine how dope it would be if we all went to school together next year!” He slams his hands down on the table and adjusts his posture with a huge smile on his face. “Admit it, baby, you can’t get enough of me.”

“Dude,” Travis adds, interjecting himself into the conversation for the first time in ten minutes, “You’re being clingy as fuck right now.”

Mac laughs, “Ain’t nothing wrong with a summer fling, Jaxson. Let it go.”

Jax groans, sitting further back in his seat, not saying another word.

I have a feeling this won’t be the last time we hear about this though, he seems really smitten with my best friend. She’s doing nothing to hold him at a distance, even though she seems to have a stronger attraction to Mac. I can see the way she looks at Jax – they fit together like puzzle pieces, when he moves, she moves.

“Wanna dance with me Liv?” Travis asks from across the table. I’m mildly aware that the band is now playing some cheesy, slow love song. I give him a playful roll of my eyes and stand, holding my hand out to him.

We make our way out into the somewhat empty dance floor, only a few couples are littering the big space, then he’s pulling me into his body – wrapping his arms around me.

We sway, my arms around his neck, and he stares into my eyes like no one ever has before. I find myself getting lost. Lost in him, lost in the moment, lost in whatever the hell we’re doing with each other.

My stomach clenches when his arms move along my waist – stroking my flesh. Butterflies take residence in my gut,fucking butterflies,so I breathe in through my nose to try and calm them.

I didn’t fucking want this. I didn’t want to fall for him.