“Dude, what the fuck is going on inside your head?” Mac questions, leaning back in his seat a little.
I roll my eyes and look at him, “What, we’re going to gossip like a bunch of fucking girls now?”
Jax laughs, “Yes? Since when do wenotgossip like a bunch of girls?”
Mac joins in, laughing too, “What is up your ass, T?”
I groan, running my hand through my hair then scrubbing it down my face, “Just thinking about last night.”
If there’s one thing Jax and Mac know, it’s that I don’t spend the next morning thinking about the chick from the night before. I don’t get attached. I don’t waste my time chasing someone.
If I had a resume for dating, it would sayEMOTIONALLY UNAVAILABLEin big fucking letters.
I don’t fucking date. So, when they both fall silent after my confession, I know I’m truly fucked.
I groan again, shaking out my shoulders, “It’s not a big deal.”
“You like her.” Jaxson whispers.
I roll my eyes, “Thank you, Jaxson. Very helpful.”
Mac snorts, “You haven’t liked someone in a long time. Not since – “
I raise a hand, “Stop.”
The waitress picks a good time to come by and start laying down plates in front of us, topped with burgers and fries. I tip back the rest of my beer and ask her for another before she walks away, heading to the bar to order it for me.
I pick up my burger, using it to point at my friends, “She isn’t interested, she made that clear. Now drop it.”
They both nod, knowing when not to push me, and dig into their food.
Chapter Seventeen
Summer:Mom says hi, be home soon!
Travis:When can I see you again?
Brody:I miss you.
I don’t even knowwhere to fucking start.
I roll over in bed and sit up against the headboard to reread the last text I received.I miss you.
Snorting, I shake my head and I say aloud to myself, “Fucking no thanks, dick.”
The nerve of this fucking dick to text me. I hit delete on the text without responding, going to the one before it.When can I see you again?
Ugh, Travis Monroe. I’ve been ignoring him.
I skip over that one for now and just respond to Summer.
Me:Bring pizza or I’m not buzzing you up :)
Summer went to grab coffee with her mom, who’s in the city for one day before she heads to Spain for the rest of the summer. It’s weird being alone, I’m ready for her to come home already.
I toss my phone back down on the bed and roll over, throw my feet off the side then head to the bathroom to shower.