Page 30 of Nightmare

My body goes lax as I fall down on top of her, kissing along her spine. Her legs shake underneath me, so I roll over, pulling out of her and move her on top of me before sitting up and gluing my lips to hers.

Her hands wrap around my neck, and she digs her nails into my skin, sending shocks down to my dick which is already perking to life again.

She breaks the kiss, leaning her forehead against mine, her breathing hard, “I need a fucking cigarette.”

Chapter Fourteen


I slipmy legs across Travis’s lap, scooting closer to him on the plush sofa that sits on the balcony as I study his face; his thick black eyelashes spread out across his cheeks when he looks down at his lap, the stubble that lines his jaw makes him look like he’s deep into his twenties – when he’s only twenty-two.

His dark blue eyes stare at me with an intensity that makes my stomach tingle and my thighs clench.

I put my beer bottle to my lips and tip it back, keeping my eyes locked with his. I don’t know what it is about him that is like a fucking magnet, I’m drawn to him. My body language matches up with his perfectly, it’s like we’re moving together.

We’ve spent the last hour talking about everything and nothing. He’s told me that he’s a New York City native, he’s passionate about drawing, but not painting; He went to Harvard for a few months – but decided on an apprenticeship at a tattoo shop and dropped out, by the time he was twenty he opened his own shop downtown; His mom died when he was eight, and his dad owns a law firm with Mac and Jax’s dads.

I’ve told him about my parents, growing up in New York as one of theelite children,spending the last four years in Cali, falling in love with music when I was young, my addiction to iced coffee, then I explained to him me and Summer’s sisterhood.

I didn’t mention the wholedisowned and shunnedthing.

He leans his head down on the back of the sofa, rubbing his hand along my thigh, “Tell me about your tattoo.”

“Which one?”

He cracks a smile, giving me a roll of his eyes, “You know which one.”

I laugh, nodding my head before leaning my head down with his on the edge of the sofa, “I guess it acted as a symbol of protection. I didn’t want to be scared anymore, I needed to feel like I was tough. I don’t know,” I ramble, “It’s stupid, really.”

He rolls his head to the side to look at me, “What are you scared of?”

I reach out to take another swig of my beer, just so I have something to do with myself while I think of an answer.

I put the beer down and lay my head back to look at him again, “Nothing, anymore.”

He nods, not pressing the subject, “Well, it’s very, very sexy.”

He gives me one of those damn dimpled smiles and a blush creeps up my cheeks –a fucking blush– and I grin away the compliment.

I clear my throat and sit up straighter to look at him again, “So, no girlfriend?” I wiggle my eyebrows at him, trying to lighten the conversation.

He arches one eyebrow up and he lifts his head to look me in the eyes, “You think I would have spent the night in between your legs if I had a girlfriend?”

I roll my eyes at him, “I don’t know your life, man.”

He smiles at me, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

A laugh flies out of my mouth before I can stop it, I shake my head at him, “No, abso-fucking-lutely not.”

At that moment, Jax comes stomping through the patio doors, scratching his stomach with one hand where his shirt is lifting up while the other is rubbing at his eyes. He halts mid-step when he sees us.

He points a finger to me, then points it at Travis, then spins around and points inside before he lets out a groan, pulling a pack of cigarettes out of the pocket of his sweatpants.

I bite my lip to hold back my laughter before Travis lights a cigarette for himself then sits back and eyes Jax.

Jax has thrown himself down opposite us, scowling at us in between hits of his own cigarette.

Travis speaks up first, “Spit it out, Jaxson.”