Page 98 of Nightmare

I open my eyes, and Travis continues kissing at my face, his soft lips making goosebumps pop up all over my body.

“Are you trying to kill me?” He says in between caresses with his mouth, his hands moving down my body to stroke at my bikini bottoms. I crack a smile, my nipples hardening underneath the thin fabric at the warmth of his skin on mine.

I find his forearms, stilling the exploration of his hands and he lifts his head from my neck to quirk an eyebrow at me in question.

“I think we’ve had enough public sex lately.” I laugh. He grins before pressing his lips to mine to kiss me.

I kiss him back, savoring the feel of his lips against mine, letting myself sigh through my nose a little. God, if you had told me two months ago that I would feel this way about someone, I would have either laughed until I peed my pants or spat in your face.

But with Travis, everything feels so complete.

If I lived a million lifetimes, I would be wandering around in every single one looking for him.

He pulls back to look into my eyes, “So, I did something.”

I pull my sunglasses off, giving him thatoh boylook, “Okay?”

“Don’t get mad.” He says with a grin, implying I will in fact, get mad.

I press my lips together, “Go on.” I wave my hand out in front of me, chuckling a little, motioning for him to spit it the fuck out.

“So,” He starts, planting his ass down on the chair next to me, wiggling his hips to get me to shove over, “I’m at work today, and this girl walks in, wanting to get some stupid tribal piece on her back, so I’m bored you know – I haven’t been booking appointments, so I took her on the spot. We get talking and come to find out she performs on Broadway.”

My stomach drops, “Trav.”

He holds a hand up, silencing me, “Then I think, who do I know that is crazy talented, wants a career in performing, and is also jobless and basically homeless? My girlfriend.”

“I’m not homeless, I live with Summer.” I grumble with a roll of my eyes.

He continues, “So this girl is totally vibing with me, babe. She’s super cool, and she mentions that they’re doing auditions for some musical next week.”

He grins at me, “So I got all the information for you, she said you can sing whatever you want, she’s saving you a slot for Monday and she’s going to talk to the director about you.”

“Travis.” I say, shifting my weight uncomfortably in the chair, then his hands grip onto mine to squeeze a little.

I take a breath, unable to stop the heaviness I feel in my stomach at the thought of even going to an audition at this point. I’ve all but given up on a career in the entertainment industry.

“Pretty girl.” Travis says, “I can see the wheels turning inside that gorgeous head, and you need to stop. Do you want a career in music, yes or no?”

I bite down on my lip, “I don’t know.”

He laughs, “Yes you do! You’ve wanted to be a singer since you were a little girl, you are where you are because of it. You sacrificed having your parents in your life to chase after your dreams.”

I eye him, studying his handsome face when he continues his Ted Talk, “So, stop doubting yourself, stop getting in your head, just stop. Go to the audition.”

I grin a big ass grin, my stomach filling with bubbles, “You, Travis Monroe, are a wonderful man.” I stretch my body to reach his face, pressing my lips against his, my hands finding his jaw.

He kisses me back, humming against my lips, then he pulls back to pierce me with those crystal blues, “And you, Olivia Jade, are a fucking talented queen who’s going to be incredibly successful.”

I roll my eyes, my lips still spread into a smile, then he kisses me one more time before standing up and holding his hand out for me to stand with him.

“Time to get your fine ass into a shower, pretty girl. Can’t go out with you all oily.” He says, pulling me behind him towards the door to the stairs.

We make the short trip back to the penthouse, and find Summer, Jax and Mac thrown across the sofas, all of them equally sucked into the movie that’s playing on the tv.

“Hi, freaks.” Summer mumbles without looking away from the screen as Travis and I step farther into the living room.

Travis’s hands find my waist instinctively as I stop before him to look down at our friends transforming into couch potatoes.